Speed Reading - Iris Reading - Page 18
Note Taking

How And When To Take Notes

Notes are an integral part of the reading process, and they naturally help one remember details that they otherwise would not be able to at a later time. While notes can be beneficial, the most common problem is taking too many of them! Some college students seemingly copy a professor’s lecture and highlight, underline, and […]

Inspiring Bookstores

The Most Inspiring Bookstores of The World [VIDEO]

Continuing with our series on worldly wonders on all that is reading related, we now bring you another fine addition featuring some of the most awe inspiring bookstores of the world. Share this post:   More Resources: Attend a live speed-reading course in your city Register for an online speed-reading course

Pie Day

Happy Pi Day!

Today we’re feeling very geometric! Around the world today, people will be celebrating March 14th as Pi Day. For those in need of a quick refresher, Pi is the distance around a circle (the circumference), divided by the distance across it (the diameter). How are you planning to celebrate Pi Day? Personally, I’m planning on […]

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

The Most Stunning Libraries in The World [VIDEO]

About a year ago, I posted an image showcase of some of the most beautiful libraries in the world. Today I bring you the video equivalent. Share this post:   More Resources: Attend a live speed-reading course in your city Register for an online speed-reading course

Utilize Music To Enhance Comprehension

Utilize Music To Enhance Comprehension

We have all heard the almost universally accepted myth that listening to Mozart makes one “smarter”. That with the mere swells of listening to his majestic symphony, neurons would be rewired in our brains, synapses firing in ways they have never before, and our minds suddenly being capable of performing intellectual feats we never imagined […]

I’m Done Reading, Now What?

What To Do Immediately After You Finish Reading

You have just spent the last hour reading. Now what? Well, hopefully you utilized one of the many techniques illustrated within past tips to have aided you in maximizing your time, reading speed, comprehension, note taking, and recall. If not, then it is highly recommend that you do. After all the reading material is completed, […]