speed reading techniques - Iris Reading
25 Long Words That Start With S

25 Long Words That Start With S (& Their Meanings)

  Here are 60 long words starting with the letter “S” and a brief explanation of their meanings. You can use these words to broaden your vocabulary and improve your comprehension of challenging ideas.  Whether you are a student studying for an important exam, playing a scrabble game with friends, or just looking to increase […]

How Fast Can The Fastest Reader Read?

How Fast Can The Fastest Reader Read?

The world’s fastest reader record belongs to Howard Stephen Berg, popularly referred to as Speedy Berg. He read over 25,000 words per minute in 1990 and set the record at 80 pages per minute. Have you ever wondered if you could read a 1000-page textbook in a day?  Well, it’s normal to think you’re not […]

How The Rate at Which You Read Effects Comprehension

Speed reading has been around since the 1950s and decades later, the concept of it still holds true. When speed reading was first introduced, it raised a few eyebrows. The idea of someone reading faster than the average reader and comprehending the text seemed impossible. The idea seemed to be flip-flopped, begging the question, “Isn’t […]

Who Learns Speed Reading and Why?

An executive needs a sharp mind to make the right choices for their business. Employees need to act quickly and remember their responsibilities coming from higher-ups. And students all need excellent comprehension skills to get them their degrees and get them well-paying jobs at these successful corporations. But first, how do people get an active […]

Gender Differences in Reading Comprehension

Gender Differences in Reading Comprehension (Complete Guide)

The difference in reading comprehension between males and females has been studied for a long time. Generally, according to international reading studies like PIRLS and PISA, females are better readers than males.  Several hypotheses try to explain why there is a gender difference in reading comprehension, evident amongst the 10-year-olds measured in PIRLS and even […]

Speed Reading The Classics: 1984 [VIDEO]

In celebration of National Reading Month, today we showcase a classic work of literature as run through our AccelaReader web app. The dystopian classic 1984, just in time for the upcoming elections! Note: In this video, AccelaReader will be set at 400 words per minute (WPM), and 2 words at a time. Click on each […]