study more efficiently - Iris Reading
Last Minute Study Tips You Wish You'd Found Earlier

23 Last Minute Study Tips You Wish You’d Found Earlier

Are you struggling to retain information while cramming for an important exam at the last minute? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! Our last-minute study tips will help you turn the tide in your favor. You can optimize your study environment for maximum efficiency, use mnemonics to grasp the key concepts and focus on improving […]

Reasons You Find It Hard to Study

9 Reasons You Find It Hard to Study (And What To Do)

Studying effectively for academic success is crucial. However, it can be a daunting task. If asked, almost everyone can testify to having struggled at some point in their academic life. Perhaps, you presently find it challenging to study. Understand that you are not alone in this struggle. Some reasons you find it hard to study […]

How to Study Smartly: 15 Study Habits for Maximum Productivity

How to Study Smartly: 15 Study Habits for Maximum Productivity

Studying is a crucial part of our lives. It is a vehicle for reaching our academic or skill development goals. Unfortunately, many people do not get good study outcomes despite many hours of studying. To improve results, some study harder by increasing study sessions and pouring more time into studying. But, most often than not, […]

How Many Hours Should You Study a Day

How Many Hours Should You Study a Day? (Answered!)

A college student must study 2-3 hours per week outside of class for every credit hour. That is 24-36 hours for a 12-credit hour course per week, which is about 5-6 hours per day, depending on if you study every day or six days per week.  Are you preparing for exams in school or professional [...]
How Can I Study and Never Forget

How Can I Study and Never Forget?

Do you feel like you have to remember everything in class? Do you feel like you can never escape from studying? Can’t wait until the seminar presentation you are to deliver is over? Everyone who has ever taken an exam has had the sickening feeling: why can’t I remember what I studied? This is especially […]