60 Long Words Beginning with ‘A’ & How to Pronounce Them - Iris Reading
60 Long Words Beginning with A & How to Pronounce Them

60 Long Words Beginning with ‘A’ & How to Pronounce Them

60 Long Words Beginning with A & How to Pronounce Them

Every alphabet in the English language is essential, but some are more crucial than others and are present in every language globally. One such letter is the letter “A.”

Learning new words is an excellent habit to develop whether you are a student or a professional. The more words you can identify, the more articulate you become and can better represent ideas and actions. 

A rich vocabulary sharpens your communication skills and your ability to comprehend information faster which can help you perform better in school or job promotion tests. The more words you know, the more you can describe an idea or an experience you want to convey without running out of speech!

You will write better, perform better in tests, speeches, and debates, and maybe someday become president of your country. Yes, a rich vocabulary can facilitate such achievement for you. 

With that said, here is a list of some long words that start with A to help build your vocabulary. 

Let’s begin!

1. Atherosclerosis

A disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of fatty contents on their inner walls.

To pronounce atherosclerosis, which is a six-syllable word, break it down into sounds: [ATH] + [UH] + [ROH] + [SKLUH] + [ROH] + [SIS] – say it out loud and stress the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

2. Anti-competitive

(of regulations, practices, etc.) that seek to stifle economic competition.

To pronounce anti-competitive correctly, break it down into parts: An·​ti·​com·​pet·​i·​tive – then say it out loud, while stressing the sounds to get it right.

3. Autocorrelation

This is the correlation between paired values of a mathematical or statistical function, taken at typically constant intervals, that shows the degree of periodicity of the function.

Autocorrelation, which is a six-syllable word, can be pronounced correctly by breaking it down into sounds: [AW] + [TOH] + [KORR] + [UH] + [LAY] + [SHUHN] – say it consistently aloud, while stressing the sounds until you can pronounce it.

4. Anticholinergic

This is a withdrawal effect caused by actions opposing the physiologic action of acetylcholine.

Anticholinergic has six-syllables, and can be pronounced correctly by breaking it down into sounds: [AN] + [TEE] + [KOH] + [LI] + [NUR] + [JIK].

5. Acclimatization

This is the process or result of adapting to a new climate or conditions.

To sound acclimatization, which is a six-syllable word, break it down into parts: [UH] + [KLY] + [MUH] + [TY] + [ZAY] + [SHUHN] – say it aloud and stress the sounds until you can pronounce it correctly.

6. Anthropocentric

This means considering human beings as the most meaningful entity in the universe.

For a proper pronunciation of the word anthropocentric, break it down into sounds: [AN] + [THRUH] + [POH] + [SEN] + [TRIK]. Say it aloud and overemphasize the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

7. Agranulocytosis

This is an acute condition involving severe and dangerous neutropenia.

Pronounce agranulocytosis by breaking it down into sounds: [UH] + [GRAN] + [YUH] + [LOH] + [SY] + [TOH] + [SIS].

8. Aluminosilicate

This mineral comprises silicon, aluminum, and oxygen, plus countercations.

For pronunciation, break aluminosilicate down into parts: A-lu-mi-no-sil-​i-cate- say it out loud, stressing the sounds to correctly pronounce it.

9. Assimilationism

This means the act or process of assimilating or absorbing information, experiences, etc.

Pronounce assimilationism by breaking it down into sounds: As-​sim-​i-​la-tion-​ism- say it slowly, but loud while stressing each sound.

10. Archaebacterium

This is a group of unicellular microorganisms in the Archaea domain.

Pronounce archaebacterium by breaking it down into sounds: Ar-chae-bac-te-ri-um- say it out loud and clear and overemphasize the sounds until you can consistently pronounce the complete word.

11. Adenohypophysis

This is the front glandular lobe of the pituitary gland.

For proper pronunciation, break ‘Adenohypophysis’ down into sounds: Ad-e-no-hy-​poph-y-sis- speak it out loud until you can pronounce the word with ease.

12. Antepenultimate

This means coming third from the end of a series.

Pronounce antepenultimate by breaking it down into parts: [AN] + [TEE] + [PUH] + [NUL] + [TUH] + [MUHT] – say it out loud and stress the sounds until it becomes easy for you to pronounce.

13. Acetophenetidin

This is a white crystalline substance used as an analgesic and also as antipyretic.

For proper pronunciation, break ‘Acetophenetidin’ down into it’s syllables: Ace-to-phe-net-​i-​din- say it aloud, while exergerating each syllable until you can pronounce it well.

14. Antivivisection

This means opposition to the act or practice of performing experiments on living animals involving cutting into or dissecting the body.

Pronounce antivivisection by breaking it down into syllables: An-ti-viv-​i-sec-tion and say slowly, but loud and clear to get it right.

15. Autotransformer

This is an electrical transformer with only one winding.

Break the word autotransformer into parts to correctly pronounce it: Au-to-trans-form-er.

16. Acanthocephalan

This is any parasitic worm of the phylum Acanthocephala characterized by the presence of a two-sided proboscis.

To pronounce acanthocephalan the right way, break it down into it’s syllables: A-can-tho-ceph-a-lan- and say it out loud consistently.

17. Anthropopathism

This is the ascription of human feelings to something not human.

Pronounce Anthropopathism by dividing it into it’s syllables. An-thro-po-pa-thism- then say Slowly but loud and until you can pronounce the word.

18. Ancylostomiasis

This is an infestation of the human intestine with blood-sucking hookworms.

Correctly pronounce ancylostomiasis by breaking it down into parts. An-cy-lo-sto-mi-a-sis- stress each sound consistently to  pronounce it.

19. Ariboflavinosis

This is a deficiency disease due to inadequate intake of riboflavin and is characterized by sores in the mouth.

Break ariboflavinosis down into sounds, A-ri-bo-fla-vi-no-sis. Emphasize each sounds consistently to pronounce the word right.

20. Assertivenesses

This is the quality of being self-assured and not afraid to say what you want or believe.

To correctly pronounce assertivenesses, break it down into parts: A-sser-tive-ne-sses- say it aloud and amplify the sounds until you can pronounce it well.

21. Arteriographies

These are X-ray examinations of the artery or arterial system after injection of a radiopaque substance.

To pronounce Arteriographies, break it down into it’s syllables: Ar​-te-​ri​-og​ra-​phies- speak it aloud and overdraw the sounds until you can pronounce it well.

22. Antispeculation

This means serving or intended to discourage or restrict financial speculation.

Anti speculation can be pronounced right by breakIng it down into sounds: An-ti-spe-​cu-​la-​tion.

23. Apolipoproteins

This means any of the various proteins that combine with a lipid to form a lipoprotein.

To correctly pronounce the word apolipoproteins, break it down into sounds. A-po-li-po-pro-teins- say it aloud while overemphasizing the sounds until you can consistently pronounce them.

24. Archiepiscopate

This is the tenure or term of office of an archbishop.

To properly pronounce Archiepiscopate, break it down into sounds. Ar-​chi-epis-​co-​pate- make sure you stress each  syllable until you can consistently produce them.

25. Anthropophagies

This is the custom and practice of eating human flesh

To correctly pronounce the word Anthropophagies, divide it into parts. An-thro-​po-pha​-gies- say it aloud while exaggerating each syllable until you can consistently pronounce them.

26. Antiabortionist

This means someone who is opposed to the practice of abortion or it being legal.

For proper pronunciation, break ‘Antiabortionist’ down into syllables: An-ti-a-bor-tion-ist.

27. Anticlimactical

Referring to an event, conclusion, statement, etc., that suddenly changes from an impressive to an absurd style.

To correctly pronounce the word Anticlimactical, break it down into syllables: An-​ti-cli-​ma-ti-cal- sound it and overemphasize the each syllable till you can pronounce it.

28. Antieducational

This means opposing the provision of knowledge.

Correctly pronounce the word antieducational by breaking it down into syllables: An-ti-e-du-​ca-tion-​al- speak it aloud and exergerate each syllable to say it right.

29. Antiliberalisms

This means an ideology and policy model accentuating the value of free market competition.

Pronounce antiliberalisms, in the right way by breaking down the word into sounds: An-ti-li-be-ral-isms- and say it out loud.

30. Affordabilities

This means the state of being inexpensive enough for people to be able to buy.

To properly pronounce affordabilities, break it down into it’s syllables: A-ffor-da-bi-li-ties- say each syllable aloud, until you can consistently pronounce the word.

31. Ambisexualities

This is the state of having a sexual orientation of persons of both sexes.

To pronounce ambisexualities, a seven-syllable word, break it down into sounds: Am-bi-sex-u-al-i-ties; say it aloud and stressing each sounds until you can pronounce it correctly.

32. Amorphousnesses

This is the state of being without form (shapeless).

To pronounce amorphousness, a five-syllable word, break it down into it’s parts and say it out loud severally: A-mor-​phous-nes-ses.

33. Authentications

This is the process or action of verifying the identity of a user or proving something to be true, genuine, or valid.

Authentications is a five-syllable word. Break it down into parts to pronounce it correctly: Au-then-ti-ca-tions.

34. Accessibilities

This is the attribute of being easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, utilize, or comprehend.

To correctly pronounce the word accessibilities, break it down into it’s six syllables: Ac-ces-si-bil-i-ties- say it aloud, and stress the sounds until you can consistently pronounce it.

35. Acculturational

This is the process of adapting to a different culture, typically the dominant one.

To pronounce acculturational, a six-syllable word, break it down into sounds and say it out loud: uh-kuhl-cher-ey-shun-al

36. Agriculturalist

This means an expert in agriculture who advises farmers.

To correctly pronounce agriculturalist, break it down into parts: Sound A-​gri-​cul-​tur-a-list- aloud and overemphasize the sounds until you can consistently pronounce them.

37. Ambitiousnesses

This is the state of having a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.

Ambitiousnesses has five syllables and can be correctly pronounced by breakIng it down into sounds. Am-bi-tious-nes-ses before pronouncing it.

38. Amphitheatrical

This is an oval-shaped or circular structure having levels of seats rising gradually outward from a central open arena or space.

To learn how to correctly pronounce amphitheatrical, break it down into it’s syllables: Am-phi-the-at-ri-cal- then say each sound with emphasis.

39. Anthropological

This is related to the study of humankind, its culture and society, and its physical development.

Break down anthropological into sounds to pronounce it right. An-thro-po-lo-gi-cal.

40. Antimonarchical

This means opposed to or hostile toward monarchies or monarchs.

Pronounce antimonarchical by breaking ‘Antimonarchical’ down into sounds: An-ti-mo-nar-chi-cal.

41. Antiquarianisms

This is the study or love of antiques

To properly pronounce the word antiquarianisms, break it down into sounds. An-ti-quar-​i-​an-isms- speak it out loud severally and overemphasize the sounds until you  can pronounce it.

42. Antiseparatists

This means opposing or being hostile toward separatism.

To correctly vocalize antiseparatists, break it down into it’s six syllables: An-ti-se-pa-ra-tists- Sound it aloud and exergerate the sounds until you can consistently pronounce the word.

43. Arrondissements

This is an administrative district of some large French cities.

For a proper pronunciation of arrondissements, break it down into it’s syllables. A-rron-disse​-ments- speak it out loud and overemphasize the sounds until you can consistently pronounce them.

44. Autobiographies

This is the story of a person’s life written by that person.

To pronounce autobiographies, correctly, break ‘Autobiographies’ down into sounds: Au-to-bi-ogra-phies- stress each sounds during practice until you can  pronounce it effortlessness.

45. Autotransfusion

This is a process in which patients receive some of their blood in a transfusion.

You can Pronounce autotransfusion, by breaking it down into sounds. Au-to-trans-fu-sion. Practise pronouncing it by saying each syllable out loud.

46. Accountableness

This is the condition of being answerable or accountable. 

Pronounce accountableness by breaking it down into sounds: A-ccoun-ta-ble-ness- Then say it aloud to learn the correct pronunciation.

47. Advisablenesses

This means the state or quality of being advisable.

You can correctly pronounce advisablenesses, by breaking it down into its syllables: Ad-vi-sa-ble-ne-sses.

48. Antilibertarian

This means opposed to or hostile toward libertarian principles.

Learning how to pronounce antilibertarian requires you to break it down into parts: An-ti-li-ber-tar-i-​an- Then say it aloud while stressing each sound.

49. Antimaterialism

This means any belief system that opposes materialism.

To pronounce antimaterialism the correct way, break it down into it’s syllables: An-ti-ma-te-ri-al-ism- say syllables aloud and overemphasize the sound.

50. Applicabilities

This is the fact of affecting or relating to a person or thing.

Correctly pronounce applicabilities by breakIng it down into it’s syllables: Say each syllable aloud but slowly untill you can pronounce it right A-​ppli-​ca-bi-li-ties.

51. Attentivenesses

This is the quality of being helpful and taking care of others.

For a proper pronunciation, break down attentivenesses into it’s parts: A-​tten-​tive-ne-sses- speak it aloud and stress each sound.

52. Autographically

This is the writing of something in one’s own handwriting.

Correctly pronounce “autographically,”  by dividing it  into parts: Au-to-gra-phi-ca-lly- say it aloud and overemphasize each syllable.

53. Antidevelopment

This means Opposed to development, particularly the development of neighborhoods or land.

To sound antideelopment correctly break it down into parts: An-ti-de-ve-lop-ment- then say it slowly but out loud.

54. Antifashionable

This is a term for various styles different from the ‘normal’ fashion styles.

The right way to learn how to  correctly pronounce antifashionable, is to break it down into syllables and then say it loud but slow : An-ti-fash-​ion-​a-ble.

55. Antishoplifting

This means serving to prevent or discourage shoplifting.

Pronounce antishoplifting correctly by breaking it down into parts: An-ti-shop-lif-ting- overemphasize each sounds until you can consistently pronounce it.

56. Apocalyptically

This means showing or describing the destruction and end of the world.

Apocalyptically can be correctly pronounced by dividing it into it’s syllables. A-po-ca-lyp-ti-ca-lly- say it aloud and overemphasize each sound.

57. Apprenticeships

This is a program or position in which an individual learns a trade by working under a certified expert.

You can pronounce apprenticeships the right way by breaking it down into sounds: A-ppren-tice-ships.

58. Antiarrhythmic

A medication prevents and treats an irregular heart rhythm, also known as arrhythmias.

IF you break antiarrhythmic into it’s syllables, you will be able to pronounce it correctly: An-ti-ar-rhyth-mic.

59. Authoritatively

This means showing that you are self-assured, in control, and expect to be revered and obeyed.

AUthoritatively is simple to pronounce. Simply break it down into sounds: Au-​thor-​i-​ta-​tive-ly- then say it out loud and overemphasize each sounds consistently to  pronounce it right.

60. Automatizations

This is the development of a skill or habit to a point at which it becomes routine and requires little conscious effort or direction.

Automatizations can be pronounced correctly by breaking it down into parts: Au-to-ma-ti-za-tions- say it aloud and stress each sound until you can  pronounce it with ease.

What is the longest word in English starting with a?

Antidisestablishmentarianism is considered the longest non-technical, non-coined, non-medical word in the English language, beginning with “A.” It entered into the popular culture lexicon on August 17, 1955, when a 12-year-old girl from Baltimore accurately spelled it on the game show “The $64,000 Question” as millions of people watched from their living rooms.

Antidisestablishmentarianism has 28-letters and means “Opposition to the removal of state support or acknowledgment from an established church, especially the Anglican Church in 19th-century England.”

Nevertheless, according to Merriam-Webster, besides antidisestablishmentarianism being a long word, it’s rarely used.

Why you should learn more words, starting with A

The letter “A” is an interesting letter that is used to qualify other words in a sentence and name things from your personal life, hobbies, or jobs. It enables you to organize your thoughts and actions into manageable chunks of knowledge and experiences.

Words that begin with “A” are some of the most exciting words in the English language. Many children start learning a new language with the letter A. This is because it is the first letter of the alphabet; hence it is an excellent place to start if you decide to update your vocal library.

Learning new words can help you read faster and communicate better. At Iris reading, we have a speed reading course that, when combined purposefully with learning new words, can accelerate your reading speed. Interestingly, we also have a speed reading tool dubbed AccelaReader. You can use it to find out how fast you read and to improve word assimilation speed.

We cannot overemphasize the essentiality of learning new words. It would improve your memory, boost your productivity, improve your public speaking skills, and make you a socially interesting person. 

Wrapping up

The English language is filled with many long interesting words, some of which can be difficult to pronounce. In this article, we listed 50 long words and how to pronounce them, all of which begin with the letter A.   

While some may be difficult to pronounce, we gave a breakdown of how to pronounce them easily.

Furthermore, understanding these words can help you build up your vocabulary, read faster, and comprehend information better. 

Enroll in Iris reading Maximizing Memory course today to improve your reading speed and better understand the English language.

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