Book Recommendations - Iris Reading - Page 6
most prolific authors

21 of the Most Prolific Authors of All Time

If you had to choose between quality versus quantity, which would you choose? What if we told you that you could have both! At least, that is the case for those in the literature world. Over the years, authors of all genres put their creative minds to the test by seeing how many books they […]

10 Light Reads That Are Incredibly Informative

It can feel like any informational read is as thick as a phone book and just as dull. Useful information doesn’t have to come from a textbook. Informational reads are all around us in our indie bookstores and Kindle downloads. It’s the start of the weekend and the time to catch up on your reading […]

Books That Are Better Enjoyed by Listening to the Audiobook

  Audiobook versus paperback. Which side are you on?  There are plenty of arguments as to which one is better for your memory and comprehension, but sometimes its good to enjoy an audiobook. Some fiction books are better on audiobook because a voice actor can bring the characters to life using different voice inflections or […]

Jeff Bezos

10 Books That Jeff Bezos Recommends Downloading to Your Kindle

Hard to believe but Jeff Bezos started Amazon in 1994. It all began when Bezos put together a list of products that could be profitable if there was an online marketplace to purchase them. Among the list were compact discs, computer hardware, software, videos, and books. Bezos settled on books among all the products he […]

How Many of These Haunting Books Can Your Read This October?

BOO! Did we scare you? It’s that time of year again when neighbors start putting out spooky decorations in their yards, pumpkin patches are open for business, and the grocery store is backfilled with candy. Don’t all of these changes put you in the mood for a good spooky book? For a bit of fun […]


7 Best Books on Adulting 20-Something Year Olds Need to Read

My credit score increased by 38 points! #adulting I splurged and bought a new vacuum today, I was too excited to use it. #adulting #Adulting is hard. Adulting? Is that even a word? According to the American Dialect Society, it is. When the word became popular in 2016, they nominated it as the “word of […]