Comprehension - Iris Reading
7 Signs of Poor Reading Comprehension

7 Signs of Poor Reading Comprehension (Explained)

There’s a big problem if you read and do not understand what you’ve read. The purpose of reading any text or book is to extract value.  For example, you need to comprehend an exam question before answering it. You also need to understand a report and statistics to draw actionable insights.  Even without the pressure […]

How to Use Your Internal Monologue for Writing

How to Use Your Internal Monologue for Writing

The importance of internal monologues is emphasized in many literary styles. It’s a strategy employed to give readers a better understanding of the characters’ thinking. Significant characters in novels, nonfiction, screenwriting, and poetry use internal monologue. In writing, the internal monologue can be employed in two ways: as a soliloquy or as a stream of […]

Is Quantum Speed Reading Possible?

Is Quantum Speed Reading Possible? (Quick Facts)

Quantum speed reading (QSR), also called wave reading or hado reading, is a revolutionary new reading technique that enables readers to read much faster and comprehend faster than their usual reading speed. The method claims to work simply by touching, smelling, listening, and flipping through the pages of the book, enabling the reader to comprehend […]

Is Speed Reading Good for Comprehension?

Is Speed Reading Good for Comprehension? (Helpful Examples)

Speed reading involves utilizing your peripheral vision and eliminating subvocalization (silent speech) to scan blocks of text. Speed reading can not only save you time, but it can also help improve the comprehension of what you read and the ability to recall that information.  Speed reading can help you consume large volumes of text and […]

What Are Comprehension Strategies?

What Are Comprehension Strategies? (Explained for Beginners)

Comprehension strategies refer to methods employed during reading to understand written material better. These techniques make it easier for a reader to make sense of what they are reading and help to improve their quality of thought, critical thinking, and creativity. As a student, you must develop adequate comprehension skills to get good grades and […]

What Is Comprehension Monitoring? (Explained for Beginners)

Monitoring comprehension is determining whether you understand the text you are reading. When you realize that you can’t articulate the passage’s main idea, then you can take steps to improve your comprehension before continuing to read. Students and readers know how crucial reading comprehension and retention are. Comprehension monitoring is important because it enhances reading […]