Memory - Iris Reading - Page 18

An Overview of How the Human Memory Works

The concept of memory is something that scientists are still trying to wrap their heads around. At its core, memory is the process in which the mind acquires information, stores it, and then can recall it at a later point in time. There is a three-step process at which a memory forms: encoding, storage, and […]

Thought-Provoking Nonfiction Books

30 Thought-Provoking Nonfiction Books That Will Make You Smarter

Some of the best nonfiction books that will make you smarter are The History of Knowledge, The Total Money Makeover, Moonwalking with Einstein, Thinking Fast and Slow, Meditations, Smarter Faster Better, and The Art of War. We’ve said it before, and we’ll repeat it, reading is a relaxing activity. When you pick up a piece […]

Four Ways Reading Impacts You to Become a Better Person

While skimming through your Facebook feed or tweets is fun, nothing beats the power of a good book. Reading every day is a healthy activity to practice. Even reading a newspaper article or an article from a magazine is good for you and your brain. There are many reasons why you should practice reading every […]

15 Books Bill Gates Thinks You Should Read

As an avid reader, Bill Gates has his fair share of book recommendations. During the summer months, Gates reading list increases significantly. Reflecting on his childhood he says, “I’d check out so many books that the librarians wouldn’t give me new ones until I returned some.” As funny as that is, it is the one […]