Study Tips - Iris Reading - Page 6

How College Students Can Improve Reading Comprehension Skills

The summer after you graduate high school always seems to be a bit of a blur. Between friends leaving for their next journey in life and you, yourself preparing to head out to college, there’s a lot to fit in in only a small amount of time. The ACTs and SATs you studied for (which […]

Spaced repetition learning technique

Spaced Repetition Learning Technique (Step-by-Step Guide)

In the spaced repetition technique, one uses increasing review intervals to keep important lessons fresh in the learners’ minds. This technique aims to keep concepts crisp while improving comprehension. The concept of spaced repetition was initially introduced in the book Psychology of Study by Cecil Alec Mace. Others were captivated by his idea of repetition […]

Taking notes

Note-Taking Strategies for Students [VIDEO]

This video covers note-taking strategies for students. You’ll learn best practices for taking efficient notes. You’ll also learn how to visually take notes in order to remember information more effectively. This video also covers common note-taking mistakes to avoid. Share this post:   More Resources: Attend a live speed-reading course in your city Register for […]

Note Taking

How And When To Take Notes

Notes are an integral part of the reading process, and they naturally help one remember details that they otherwise would not be able to at a later time. While notes can be beneficial, the most common problem is taking too many of them! Some college students seemingly copy a professor’s lecture and highlight, underline, and […]

3-Step Process To Improve Retention

3-Step Process To Improve Retention

In addition to many specific drill sets designed to help train and condition one’s ability to recall, here is a rather straightforward 3-step methodology one can apply to almost any type of reading material. Step One: Preview What this step entails is to read the first and last paragraphs of an article, section, chapter, or […]

How To Read Textbooks and Technical Material

How To Read Textbooks and Technical Material

Do you have trouble reading technical material? The video below is a sample from our recently launched Comprehension Course. You’ll learn reading strategies to help you read difficult material like textbooks.   Share this post:   More Resources: Attend a live speed-reading course in your city Register for an online speed-reading course