Blog - Iris Reading - Page 22
What are the Benefits of Reading Comprehension?

What are the Benefits of Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension benefits for students and adults include improved writing skills, better grades in school, and improved workplace performance. Reading comprehension is the ability to read and understand written text. It is a complex cognitive process that requires the ability to read words, identify their meaning, and construct mental representations of the text. Good reading […]

What Is Productivity for Students?

What Is Productivity for Students? (9 Ways to Increase It)

To be able to hit all your targets, everyone needs to be productive. It is a measure of the efforts you make towards accomplishing your goals. For students, productivity refers to their efforts and ability to perform efficiently in their studies. This involves how well they manage their time, their ability to prioritize, and their […]

15 Must Read Books Where the Main Character Is a Master of Their Own Craft

15 Must Read Books Where the Main Character Is a Master of Their Own Craft

Some people travel to witness countless tales and stories in each land. Others simply read books.  Books are incredible at widening one’s horizons and teaching important life lessons you cannot learn anywhere else. They play a pivotal role in the academic years of a student, but even after you have graduated or finished your studies, […]

Is Speed Reading Scientifically Proven?

Is Speed Reading Scientifically Proven?

Speed reading is a scientifically proven way to increase your reading pace. The average person can read about 200-250 words per minute (wpm). However, super speed reading (three times more or 1000wpm) trades off excellent reading comprehension and accuracy. You must know what you can go through at a faster pace. That depends on linguistic […]

AI Machines Beat Humans on a Reading Comprehension Test

AI Machines Beat Humans on a Reading Comprehension Test (Learn How to Keep Your Edge)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a computer or computer-controlled ability to perform human-like tasks that typically require human intelligence.  Although AIs have yet to carry out various tasks specific to human beings, some machines have been discovered to match humans in some tasks, such as reading comprehension.  Microsoft and Alibaba have created computer models that, […]

Is Productivity a Skill

Is Productivity a Skill? (7-Minute Read)

Productivity is a soft skill that encompasses problem-solving, time management, prioritizing urgent and essential things, and more. It is the ability to perform efficiently and consistently, making the most of available resources in a given time frame. Everyone wants to be productive regardless of whether they are in school, studying for academic reasons, looking for […]