Blog - Iris Reading - Page 27
Is Productivity Tied to Leadership

Is Productivity Tied to Leadership? (Explained for Beginners)

You have probably pondered whether there is a relationship or connection between leadership and productivity.  Knowing the connection between your employee’s productivity and your influence as a leader is essential. It opens your eyes to how you can engage them towards achieving your organization’s goal. Leadership impacts the performance and productivity of any given organization. […]

Is Memorization Good for Learning

Is Memorization Good for Learning? (10 Important Facts)

While memorization in learning may not be the ultimate goal, it’s necessary on many occasions. You use rote learning or memorization when you repeat something and remember it. Memorization is good for learning because it trains the brain to remember things. The memorization task makes your mind exercise, giving it more strength to retain information. […]

What Is a Productivity System

What Is a Productivity System (& How to Build Your Own)

Productivity systems are systematic methodologies, tools, guidelines, or practices that one uses to get things done efficiently. A sound productivity system, also known as a productivity method, helps you figure out what to do and when to do it. Having a systematic approach to your day and facilitating your work ensures you do not waste your […]

Science-Based Protocols For a Productive Day

Science-Based Protocols For a Productive Day

Because scientific knowledge is objective, productivity habits grounded in science-based protocols offer concrete, evidence-supported methodology. You’ll waste time and get the wrong information if you depend on personal opinion or flawed research to deal with your productivity issues.  When you understand why your productivity is low, developing habitual concepts based on facts can drive us […]

How Do You Fix an Exhausted Brain

How Do You Fix an Exhausted Brain?

If you have ever felt like your brain wants to go on vacation due to stress and a demanding lifestyle, it was probably brain exhaustion. Not to worry, though, as there are ways to overcome it, such as getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising regularly, staying organized, or even getting professional help if nothing else […]

How to Be Productive After Work

How to Be Productive After Work

Some people are highly organized and productive at work but very disorganized and unproductive at home. Staying productive after work must be intentional and well planned. It cannot just happen. But why work so hard in your 9-5 and neglect your personal life?  It is easy to get distracted and live a comfortable, happy life […]