Blog - Iris Reading - Page 46
How Can You Motivate Myself To Study?

How Can You Motivate Yourself To Study?

How many times have you found yourself shying away from the books and making up reasons why you should spend time with classmates? All students are guilty of procrastinating studying and doing homework. Students who procrastinate are more likely to have low self-confidence, high anxiety, and are more frustrated than their peers. Especially in high […]

Best Dads in Literature

The 8 Best Dads in Literature, According to Readers

It’s Father’s Day weekend! This means you should spend it with some who readers believe to be the best dads in literature. In their unique way, all of these fathers taught their children valuable lessons that paved the way for their success. Readers chose these characters because they too learned from their words of wisdom. […]

Do we lose memories forever

Do We Lose Memories Forever?

How many times has this happened to you? You are out with friends exchanging stories about your childhood when someone tells a story about you. For a second, you think they are playing a joke on you. “Did that really happen?” you ask yourself, pausing as you wish you could remember the memory on your […]

what is subvocalization

What Is Subvocalization and Why You Should Stop Practicing It

Everyone at one point or another has caught themself pronouncing words in their head while reading. What you are doing is called subvocalization, and it is one of the many things speed readers learn not to do when starting out. Years ago, as you were beginning to learn to read, you were taught to sound […]

100 Free History Ebooks From Project Gutenberg

100 Free History Ebooks From Project Gutenberg

Ebooks existed long before e-readers made their debut in 1991 with the Sony Data Discman leading the way. It weighed almost two pounds and required a CD to read a digital book. Seven years later, NuvoMedia Rocket eBook hit shelves, wowing avid readers with its lightweight (1.25 pounds) and 4MB of memory. Sony made a […]

You’re A Bad listener: Here’s How To Remember What People Say

How to Remember What People Say (+6 Reasons you can’t remember conversations)

People looking to improve their listening skills will benefit from Cash Nickerson’s acronym ARE U PRESENT. Practicing this technique will help you remember what people say even when working under pressure. You’ll learn to navigate through discussions better and retain the information you learned. There are many reasons you could be having a hard time […]