Blog - Iris Reading - Page 57
U.S. Tax Code

How Many Pages Is the Tax Code (& How Long Does It Take to Read It)

“Oh, January first. Better get started on those taxes, Neddy.” – Ned Flanders, The Simpsons. According to the Public Law 117-154(06/23/2022), the U.S. Tax Code is 6,871 pages. When you include the federal tax regulations and the official tax guidance, the number of pages raises to approximately 75,000. This will take an average reader about […]

How Much Coffee Should You Have After a Night’s Sleep?

Are you a nonfat chai latte kind of a person? Or are you a plain and simple black cup of coffee fiend? Some people cannot live without their shot of espresso in the morning while others need an energy drink midday pick-me-up. Whatever your caffeine intake is, you’ll be interested to find that the military […]

Are Robot Reading Partners a Good Idea for Kids?

We’re in a new decade, and luckily robots have yet to take over the world. Unlike what the Jetsons predicted, there are no flying cars but Rosie the robot maid? You could say that inspired the creation of Roomba, a dream come true for many who despise house chores. The advancement in robotics engineering is […]

How To Remember What You Read Using Mnemonic Devices

A huge exam is coming up, and you’re studying and reading the material carefully. For some reason, the next day at your study group, you have trouble thinking back to what you read the night before. Are you frustrated and nervous about having difficulty remembering what you read? By learning the different mnemonic devices, you […]

How the Brain Processes Language

How the Brain Processes Language

Language is a system of words, gestures, and symbols used to convey meaning.  It’s been the center of interest of many scientists since the discovery that language functions are related to brain tissue. Certain parts of the brain help process and decode the language, be it spoken or signed.  When it comes time to learn […]

speed reading for kids

Is Speed Reading Appropriate for My Child?

When teens and children first discover speed reading, they want to know how they can use it to fly through assignments and get back to being a kid. While we’re excited to hear they want to learn, it’s a common misconception of what speed reading is about. It may surprise you, but the number one […]