Boost productivity | Iris Reading | Iris Reading - Part 4
What Is the Best Memory Strategy

What Is the Best Memory Strategy? (22 Science-Backed Methods)

The best memory techniques, according to science, include employing acronyms and mnemonics, practicing spaced learning, developing a Memory Palace, sleeping after learning a difficult concept, writing down new knowledge, using visualization techniques, and engaging in active recall, to name a few.  Do you find it difficult to recall the name of the person you just […]

Can You Develop an Internal Monologue

Can You Develop an Internal Monologue?

The human mind is powerful and constantly seeking to express itself. Sometimes, in the form of an internal monologue.  Internal monologue is also sometimes known as inner speech, inner monologue, inner voice, inner monologue, private speech, intrapersonal communication, or internal dialogue or discourse.  While inner speech is thought to develop during childhood, through patience and […]

Longest Adjectives in the English Language

15 Longest Adjectives in the English Language (& Their Meanings)

Do you have three and a half hours to spare? The longest word in the English language contains 189,891 letters. It takes about three and a half hours to pronounce this technical term. This blog post will explore some of the English language’s unique long adjectives and uncover their meanings, origins, and uses of these […]

How to Improve Reading Speed for SAT

How to Improve Reading Speed for SAT (Read This First!)

Are you preparing for SAT and desire to score a perfect 800 on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section?  Reading comprehension is a vital part of SAT, and understanding how to improve your reading speed is very essential if you want a perfect SAT reading score.  The faster you can read and assimilate what you […]

25 Long Words That Start With S

25 Long Words That Start With S (& Their Meanings)

  Here are 60 long words starting with the letter “S” and a brief explanation of their meanings. You can use these words to broaden your vocabulary and improve your comprehension of challenging ideas.  Whether you are a student studying for an important exam, playing a scrabble game with friends, or just looking to increase […]

How to Speed Read for College

How to Speed Read for College (10 Tips from the Pros)

As a college student, you can develop your speed reading skills by unlearning subvocalization, training your peripheral vision, giving your eyes something to follow, such as a finger, and reading in word chunks as opposed to one continuous passage.  How often a day do you use your reading skills as a college student? A lot!  […]