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How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion

How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion?

Imagine being able to recall hundreds of items at lightning speed, all thanks to the mastery of memory techniques. Memory champions worldwide have astounded us with their feats of memorization, leaving us wondering what else our minds can achieve. Anyone who wants to improve their memory can use these methods to succeed. You can learn […]

What Causes Poor Working Memory

What Causes Poor Working Memory? (6 Ways to Fix It!)

Do you often forget important details like phone numbers, to-do lists, or instructions for a task? Poor working memory might be the culprit.  Working memory allows us to temporarily store and manipulate information in our minds. It’s an essential function that enables us to complete tasks like driving and studying for exams.    But what causes […]

How Can I Study and Never Forget

How Can I Study and Never Forget?

Do you feel like you have to remember everything in class? Do you feel like you can never escape from studying? Can’t wait until the seminar presentation you are to deliver is over? Everyone who has ever taken an exam has had the sickening feeling: why can’t I remember what I studied? This is especially […]

5 Benefits of Silent Reading

5 Benefits of Silent Reading (Explained!)

“Reading in the mind,” or silent reading, lets you discover your passion for reading, challenge your thoughts, and improve your brain’s processing. Silent reading helps you train your mind and read a text without audible sounds. It’s a valuable skill you can use to unwind after a long day to improve your comprehension, focus, and […]

Does Your Brain Have a Memory Limit

Does Your Brain Have a Memory Limit? (Explained!)

How many memories our brain cells can store depends on our brain’s storage capacity.  The human mind does have a memory limit. The average adult human brain’s memory capacity is 2.5 million gigabytes. However, it doesn’t run out of storage capacity, per se.  A single human brain has many different kinds of memories. And there’s […]

Are There Exercises to Improve Memory

Are There Exercises to Improve Memory? (7 Proven Drills)

Brain exercises can be really effective at improving memory. Some of these exercises include learning a foreign language, playing crossword puzzles, number skipping, the 4 details observation task, and repeating what people say in your mind.  From age 30 and above, the brain begins to shrink. The rate of shrinkage accelerates as people cross into […]