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15 Books Bill Gates Thinks You Should Read

As an avid reader, Bill Gates has his fair share of book recommendations. During the summer months, Gates reading list increases significantly. Reflecting on his childhood he says, “I’d check out so many books that the librarians wouldn’t give me new ones until I returned some.” As funny as that is, it is the one […]

How Reading Books Helps Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s, a progressive brain disorder that little by little damages a person’s thinking and memory. A person starts to develop Alzheimer’s when amyloid plaque grows on the brain-destroying the connections between nerve cells. Slowly a person begins to forget things, has a hard time absorbing information, and can […]

Purpose Driven Reading

Purpose Driven Reading

If you’re trying to read more efficiently, you need to have a strategy and a specific purpose before you start. For most readers encountering new material, there is a natural tendency to simply begin at the top and just start reading. This may seem natural to most people, but it’s not the most optimal way […]

How To Read Faster Using The “Deadline Technique”

How To Read Faster Using The “Deadline Technique”

Deadlines make us more productive. When we’re faced with a tight deadline, we find ways to focus and improve our efficiency. Knowing this, we can use deadlines as a way to improve our reading efficiency. The “Deadline Technique” is very simple to follow. Here’s all you need to do: 1. Figure out how much time […]

Minimalism For Focus

Achieve Better Focus Through Minimalism [VIDEO]

In this video, Toronto-based speed reading instructor Joseph Rodrigues of Iris Reading covers how you can use Minimalism to increase your ability to focus on tasks. He shares in detail his personal formula for applying Minimalism to increase focus. This webinar is based on a “self” case study and the information contained within it has […]