how to memorize - Iris Reading
Are There Exercises to Improve Memory

Are There Exercises to Improve Memory? (7 Proven Drills)

Brain exercises can be really effective at improving memory. Some of these exercises include learning a foreign language, playing crossword puzzles, number skipping, the 4 details observation task, and repeating what people say in your mind.  From age 30 and above, the brain begins to shrink. The rate of shrinkage accelerates as people cross into […]

Is Memory a Sign of Intelligence

Is Memory a Sign of Intelligence? (Quick Facts)

Having a bad memory is a sign of high intelligence. If you have a hard time remembering, it’s a good indication that your brain is more focused on the essential things. Packing your brain full of memories for an exam or a business meeting is overrated and could harm your chances of success.  Memory is […]

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

What Is Active Recall and Passive Recall?

Active recall and passive recall are learning strategies that can help retain information. The former refers to techniques that retrieve information from your brain, while the latter refers to the techniques that take in information from learning materials.  Although both are good techniques for learning and memory, active recall is a more effective way of […]

Why Do I Forget Things So Easily?

Why Do I Forget Things So Easily?

Forgetfulness is common at all ages and usually worsens for psychological, neurochemical, and physiological reasons. You are tidying up your place, getting rid of all the clutter, when you suddenly remember you had to call your mom. You make your way to the living room to get your phone, and suddenly you forget why you […]

Can You Rebuild Your Memory?

Can You Rebuild Your Memory?

Rebuilding memory is possible through various mental exercises, lifestyle changes, improvements in diet, and supplementation. Your memory is like your muscles; it gets strong when you use it and weak when you don’t. We often experience that our memory begins to blur as we age or when life gets too busy or fast-paced.  Have you […]