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How Can I Study and Never Forget

How Can I Study and Never Forget?

Do you feel like you have to remember everything in class? Do you feel like you can never escape from studying? Can’t wait until the seminar presentation you are to deliver is over? Everyone who has ever taken an exam has had the sickening feeling: why can’t I remember what I studied? This is especially […]

Does Everyone Have Subvocalization

Does Everyone Have Subvocalization?

Many people have subvocalization, but not everyone experiences this phenomenon.  Research has found that subvocalization happens because of our speech organs. They mimic the movements of talking while we are reading silently. This makes us hear our own words in our heads. Subvocalization has been theorized to improve comprehension and reinforce learning. However, it can […]

Does Your Brain Have a Memory Limit

Does Your Brain Have a Memory Limit? (Explained!)

How many memories our brain cells can store depends on our brain’s storage capacity.  The human mind does have a memory limit. The average adult human brain’s memory capacity is 2.5 million gigabytes. However, it doesn’t run out of storage capacity, per se.  A single human brain has many different kinds of memories. And there’s […]

Which Foods Improve Memory

Which Foods Improve Memory?

Keeping up with a healthy diet is essential to improving your cognitive abilities and concentration. Therefore, the foods we consume not only have a relationship with our bodies but also our minds. The brain can’t function without sufficient calories. While your brain only represents 2% of your body weight, it burns around 350 to 450 calories daily. […]

How Can I Trick My Brain Into Studying

How Can I Trick My Brain Into Studying?

Are you easily distracted when learning? Or do you have difficulty concentrating?  You can trick your brain into studying by several means: breaking materials down into smaller tasks, making study timetables, taking smart breaks, and using your mind’s eye to read, among other ways.   Don’t fret; these are all common challenges you face while trying […]

Why Can't I Memorize Easily

Why Can’t I Memorize Easily? (Explained!)

Many people struggle with memory problems. You might have noticed that your ability to retain information has decreased over the years. Many lifestyle factors can affect your memory. Some of them are: Age  Motivation Lifestyle Lack of sleep Stress and anxiety Hormonal imbalance Vitamin deficiencies. This article will explain the different problems that can affect […]