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What Is the Best Memory Strategy

What Is the Best Memory Strategy? (22 Science-Backed Methods)

The best memory techniques, according to science, include employing acronyms and mnemonics, practicing spaced learning, developing a Memory Palace, sleeping after learning a difficult concept, writing down new knowledge, using visualization techniques, and engaging in active recall, to name a few.  Do you find it difficult to recall the name of the person you just […]

Which Foods Improve Memory

Which Foods Improve Memory?

Keeping up with a healthy diet is essential to improving your cognitive abilities and concentration. Therefore, the foods we consume not only have a relationship with our bodies but also our minds. The brain can’t function without sufficient calories. While your brain only represents 2% of your body weight, it burns around 350 to 450 calories daily. […]

How Can I Trick My Brain Into Studying

How Can I Trick My Brain Into Studying?

Are you easily distracted when learning? Or do you have difficulty concentrating?  You can trick your brain into studying by several means: breaking materials down into smaller tasks, making study timetables, taking smart breaks, and using your mind’s eye to read, among other ways.   Don’t fret; these are all common challenges you face while trying […]

Longest Adjectives in the English Language

15 Longest Adjectives in the English Language (& Their Meanings)

Do you have three and a half hours to spare? The longest word in the English language contains 189,891 letters. It takes about three and a half hours to pronounce this technical term. This blog post will explore some of the English language’s unique long adjectives and uncover their meanings, origins, and uses of these […]

How to Improve Reading Speed for SAT

How to Improve Reading Speed for SAT (Read This First!)

Are you preparing for SAT and desire to score a perfect 800 on the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section?  Reading comprehension is a vital part of SAT, and understanding how to improve your reading speed is very essential if you want a perfect SAT reading score.  The faster you can read and assimilate what you […]

How to Speed Read Piano Chord Symbols

How to Speed Read Piano Chord Symbols

Playing piano efficiently requires learning different skills to improve yourself. The piano is an instrument that harmonizes different notes to produce the sounds listeners hear.  A fundamental skill to achieving some mastery in this field is knowing how to read chords.  You must undergo certain practice sessions and key lessons to understand how to speed-read […]