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Neuroscientists Discover a Brain Signal That Identifies if Speech has Been Understood

A new discovery from neuroscientists has allowed them to pinpoint the brain signal that indicates whether or not a person understood narrative speech. In 2018, a report published in Current Biology, Electrophysiological Correlates of Semantic Dissimilarity Reflect the Comprehension of Natural, Narrative Speech, detailed the findings.  Researchers from the Trinity College Dublin and the University […]

Memory drug for Alzheimer’s

Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients: How a New Drug Can Help Reverse Memory Loss

There is nothing more heartbreaking than hearing the unfortunate news of a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a brain deteriorating disease where slowly a person’s memory declines. There is currently no cure for the disease, but there is hope on the horizon. In this piece from TIME Magazine, The Woodings discuss what it […]

An Overview of How the Human Memory Works

The concept of memory is something that scientists are still trying to wrap their heads around. At its core, memory is the process in which the mind acquires information, stores it, and then can recall it at a later point in time. There is a three-step process at which a memory forms: encoding, storage, and […]

Thought-Provoking Nonfiction Books

30 Thought-Provoking Nonfiction Books That Will Make You Smarter

Some of the best nonfiction books that will make you smarter are The History of Knowledge, The Total Money Makeover, Moonwalking with Einstein, Thinking Fast and Slow, Meditations, Smarter Faster Better, and The Art of War. We’ve said it before, and we’ll repeat it, reading is a relaxing activity. When you pick up a piece […]