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Which Foods Improve Memory

Which Foods Improve Memory?

Keeping up with a healthy diet is essential to improving your cognitive abilities and concentration. Therefore, the foods we consume not only have a relationship with our bodies but also our minds. The brain can’t function without sufficient calories. While your brain only represents 2% of your body weight, it burns around 350 to 450 calories daily. […]

Why Can't I Memorize Easily

Why Can’t I Memorize Easily? (Explained!)

Many people struggle with memory problems. You might have noticed that your ability to retain information has decreased over the years. Many lifestyle factors can affect your memory. Some of them are: Age  Motivation Lifestyle Lack of sleep Stress and anxiety Hormonal imbalance Vitamin deficiencies. This article will explain the different problems that can affect […]

9 Benefits of Repetition for Learning (Read This First!)

9 Benefits of Repetition for Learning (Read This First!)

Repetition is a crucial learning tool because it facilitates knowledge transfer from the conscious to intuitive or deeper recollection levels.  The most profound “aha” moments result from interaction with text, followed by another encounter. Repeating an encounter cements it in your memory. Learning is a gradual process where you interact with ideas and progressively amass […]

How Does Repetition Help Memory and Memorization?

How Does Repetition Help Memory and Memorization?

Repetition is a key factor in memory and memorization. When we repeat something, we are more likely to remember it later. This is because repetition helps to embed the information in our long-term memory.  Additionally, repetition can help us better recall information when we need it. Simply saying or thinking something over and over again […]

What are the Benefits of Reading Comprehension?

What are the Benefits of Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension benefits for students and adults include improved writing skills, better grades in school, and improved workplace performance. Reading comprehension is the ability to read and understand written text. It is a complex cognitive process that requires the ability to read words, identify their meaning, and construct mental representations of the text. Good reading […]

Is Memory Decline Inevitable in Older Age?

Is Memory Decline Inevitable in Older Age? (Read This First!)

Many people think that memory loss is an inevitable condition with old age. However, it does not always have to be like that. Older people may have trouble remembering trivial details, but considerable memory loss usually indicates a serious underlying condition and can be prevented. Almost 6.2 million seniors aged 65 or above have Alzheimer’s […]