memory | Iris Reading | Iris Reading - Part 6
How Do I Regain Interest In Reading?

How Do I Regain Interest In Reading?

To regain interest in reading, start by assessing and tackling why you lost interest in reading. Then, make a conscientious effort to read regularly. Start with reading what you love and take in the material little by little. You could also join a book club or take a reading course. You may lose interest in […]

What Happens In The Brain While Reading?

What Happens In The Brain While Reading?

Different brain parts get activated when you read, such as the temporal lobe, angular and supramarginal gyrus, and frontal lobe. Consequently, neural responses help you understand, visualize and vocalize words. As you read, your brain’s limbic system also activates emotions. Brain activity increases in the left hemisphere while reading. Your brain becomes engaged in helping […]

Why Can't I Retain What I Read?

Why Can’t I Remember What I Read?

After reading, you may find it almost impossible to retain the information acquired. It may be due to lack of adequate sleep and rest, distractions while reading, poor nutrition, failure to choose the right book, or memory issues such as decay or shallow processing. As you move through life and gain new experiences, your brain […]

What is the Mandela Effect?

What is the Mandela Effect?

Have you ever been so sure of something happening only to find out later that you had it all wrong? Fiona Broome was one person who was sure her memory was correct but ended up not matching current reality. Beginning in 2009, she started documenting these memories on her website, The Mandela Effect. Broome explains that […]

People Are Better at Remembering Names Rather Than Faces

People Are Better at Remembering Names Rather Than Faces

How many times has this happened to you? You are at a networking event that is the perfect opportunity to gain new clients for your company. As you make your rounds around the room, shaking hands, someone stops you and says, “How nice to see you again!” You look at their face and draw a […]

Study Tips To Help Prepare You For Your Next Medical Exam

12 Medical Mnemonic Techniques (With examples)

Mnemonic techniques are valuable learning aids that help recall and retain important information. These techniques date back to ancient Greece and have stood the test of time as people have experienced success using them to recollect crucial details.  Medical mnemonic techniques will assist you in remembering medical terms, concepts, and facts. These techniques include acronyms, […]