memory palace - Iris Reading
Is Medical School Just Memorization?

Is Medical School Just Memorization? (Explained for Beginners)

The mind-boggling medical concepts and difficult-to-visualize human body construction often tempt medical schools to focus on memorization instead of critical thinking. For years, the general public has believed that medical school is all about memorization. Students aspiring to be physicians or surgeons often get disheartened when they realize their memorization ability is not up to […]

How Can I Memorize Things Better?

How Can I Memorize Things Better?

Today, learning information and recalling it has become less important with the advancement of technology. Smartphones, computers, and even GPS, all eliminate the need to learn massive amounts of information.  Memory is the process of forming connections between pieces of information in our minds. Unfortunately, because of the reliance on technology, we may struggle to […]

Best Memory Improvement Techniques

Best Memory Improvement Techniques

The best memory improvement techniques are mnemonics (geography mnemonics, rhymes, Method of Loci & chunking memory), speed reading, spaced repetition, and mind mapping. It’s quite frustrating when you try recalling someone’s name or something you saw recently but can’t find the word to say it. Your memory slips off just when you need it the […]

Study Tips To Help Prepare You For Your Next Medical Exam

12 Medical Mnemonic Techniques (With examples)

Mnemonic techniques are valuable learning aids that help recall and retain important information. These techniques date back to ancient Greece and have stood the test of time as people have experienced success using them to recollect crucial details.  Medical mnemonic techniques will assist you in remembering medical terms, concepts, and facts. These techniques include acronyms, […]

How Big Can A Single Memory Palace Be?

How Big Can A Single Memory Palace Be?

Joshua Foer, the author of the book Moonwalking with Einstein, once said, “When information goes ‘in one ear and out the other,’ it’s often because it doesn’t have anything to stick to.” As researchers learn more about the brain and how it stores information, the more frequently you’ll hear it referred to as a muscle. That’s […]

Thirteen Of The Best Books On The Memory Palace

Thirteen Of The Best Books On The Memory Palace

It’s possible to remember everything in your textbook using the memory palace technique. Students around the globe struggle to recall what they learned in class, especially incredibly long essential lists, but not if you use the ancient Greek memory technique. Final exams are right around the corner. Have you built your memory palace yet? To […]