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How to Speed Read on iPhone

How to Speed Read on iPhone (17 Best Apps)

The best way to speed read on iPhone is to learn how to read faster. Afterward, select the best app with the best interface, speed reading tips, and ease of use. Then learn to remember what you read. We all know that we should be reading more. But who has time? Like most people, you’ve […]

Skimming vs Speed Reading, What's the Difference?

Skimming vs Speed Reading, What’s the Difference?

Skimming is a method of reading whereby you read through a text quickly, without stopping to read every word. But speed reading requires you to read through a text at a faster pace than normal. Skimming is faster than speed reading because you don’t have to read every word.  Skimming and speed reading are both […]

Is Speed Reading Good for Comprehension?

Is Speed Reading Good for Comprehension? (Helpful Examples)

Speed reading involves utilizing your peripheral vision and eliminating subvocalization (silent speech) to scan blocks of text. Speed reading can not only save you time, but it can also help improve the comprehension of what you read and the ability to recall that information.  Speed reading can help you consume large volumes of text and […]

Is Speed Reading Effective for Studying?

Is Speed Reading Effective for Studying? (Important Facts)

Speed reading is an approach to learning where readers read at extremely high speeds (often 200 – 1000 words per minute) to absorb information faster. The premise is not to remember every detail but to take in as much information as possible within the shortest time. Some people can indeed read very fast, take, for […]

Is Memory a Cognitive Process?

Is Memory a Cognitive Process? (6 Minute Read)

Memory is an essential cognitive process involving the encoding, storing, and retrieving of information.  You’ll want to have a photographic mind, won’t you? Virtually everyone wants the ability to recall things from memory with high precision.  Mastering your memory and recalling what you took in (whenever you need to) will help you excel in whatever […]

What Words Are Hard To Lipread

What Words Are Hard To Lipread? (Helpful Examples)

Lipreading can be difficult for even the most experienced lip reader, as it tends to lead to misinterpretation of many words, including those that others speak rapidly or words with multiple meanings.  Lip reading, also known as speechreading or visual phonics, is the ability to interpret the movements of the lips, face, and tongue to […]