speed read - Iris Reading
Speed Reading Is A Must For College Students

Speed Reading Is A Must For College Students

It’s funny how quickly you figure out the difference between being a high school senior is from being a college freshman. All of the things your parents did for you back at home are your responsibility now. Think the towel on the floor is going to clean itself on its own? Your free time you […]

When You Start Reading Again, These 5 Things Will Happen

When You Start Reading Again, These 5 Things Will Happen

Reading is an enjoyable activity, yet time-consuming too. It is easy to fall out of the habit if you don’t have a set reading routine, be it listening to an audiobook on your commute or reading in the evening to wind down from the day. If you’ve fallen out of the habit of reading, you’ll […]

The 20 Oldest Universities in the World (with Pictures)

The University of Al-Karaouine is currently recognized as the oldest university in the world. It was founded in 859 by Fatima al-Fihri adjacent to a mosque. Some other old universities include the ones established in Bologna, Paris, Toulouse, Salamanca, and more.  The history of the concept of education and schooling is fascinating. Psychology Today overviews […]

15 Books Bill Gates Thinks You Should Read

As an avid reader, Bill Gates has his fair share of book recommendations. During the summer months, Gates reading list increases significantly. Reflecting on his childhood he says, “I’d check out so many books that the librarians wouldn’t give me new ones until I returned some.” As funny as that is, it is the one […]