Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients: How a New Drug Can Help Reverse Memory Loss - Iris Reading
Memory drug for Alzheimer’s

Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients: How a New Drug Can Help Reverse Memory Loss

There is nothing more heartbreaking than hearing the unfortunate news of a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a brain deteriorating disease where slowly a person’s memory declines. There is currently no cure for the disease, but there is hope on the horizon. In this piece from TIME Magazine, The Woodings discuss what it is like to be one of many couples in the US dealing with Alzheimer’s. The Woodings decided to be a part of the solution by partaking in an experimental drug trial that could yield a solution.

Of the 2,700 volunteers in the trial, two-thirds of them received the drug, and one-third got a placebo. After 18-months of participating in the trial, the Woodings will find out which group they were in.

Here are the facts and figures regarding Alzheimer’s from the Alzheimer’s Association.

      1. Half of adults aged 85 and over have Alzheimer’s.
      2. More than half of the 5.4 million Americans with the disease may not know they have it.
      3. More women have Alzheimer’s.
      4. Symptoms of the disease can develop in people as young as age 30.
      5. The incidence of Alzheimer’s will increase to every 33 seconds by 2050.
      6. The disease is the 6th-leading cause of death in the U.S.
      7. There are over 16 million American caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia.
      8. There is an increased likelihood of depression, emotional stress and financial problems among caregivers for those with the disease.
      9. The total cost of health and long-term care services for Alzheimer’s is $277 billion. Over $102 billion of that amount was paid out of pocket. About $175 billion, or roughly 70%, was paid by Medicare and Medicaid.
      10. There are an estimated 800,000 Americans with the disease living alone.

One of the best ways to keep your memory sharp is by exercising it. Doing puzzles, staying active, staying social, and sleeping well are activities researchers say help with dementia and Alzheimer’s. We’ve developed a way here at Iris Reading to start improving your memory today. In our Advanced Comprehension & Memory, you’ll learn useful strategies to comprehend your reading, understand it better, and remember it longer. In turn, this will help in other areas of life like remembering passwords, birthdays, or to-do’s. Find out more today!

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