Blog | Iris Reading - Part 94

How To Read A Blog Post 3 Times Faster

Having recently being introduced into the world of blogging, there is one thing I have to do everyday to keeps me informed. It is the simple task of reading blog posts by different people on different sites. This allows me to contribute to the conversation of each blog and is one of the main ways […]

5 Tips To Maintaining A Strong Focus While Reading

15 Tips for Maintaining A Strong Focus While Reading

Tips that can help you have strong focus when reading are: reduce distractions, use meta guiding, do not multitask, take breaks, maintain good reading posture, get enough sleep, eat well, grab a coffee, reduce stress, exercise regularly, use active reading, set a goal, and take a specialized course. Having a strong focus while reading means […]

7 Reasons Why Speed Reading Is Good For Your Brain

7 Reasons Why Speed Reading Is Good For Your Brain

Speed Reading to me is not just about reading faster. I want to be able to comprehend the information better and retain it longer. It’s the complete package. I mainly got involved with speed reading because of my former career in the IT sector. With technology changing every day, I needed to stay current with […]

How to Speed Read a Magazine

How to Speed Read a Magazine

Let’s start with this basic assumption: You can read something faster if you are familiar with it. Most people would agree with this statement. The problem is that most of the material you read is not familiar to you, which is obviously one of the reasons why you would want to read it. So the […]

Famous Speed Readers

Top 7 Most Famous Speed Readers of All Time

Speed reading is a skill that lets you recognize and absorb rapidly the phrases or sentences you are reading. It is a drastic increase in word per minute rate when you are reading while still maintaining your comprehension level. It is an essential skill that not everyone has developed yet.  Over time, some famous speed […]