How To Maximize Reading Retention - Iris Reading
Rehearsing What You Read To Maximize Retention

How To Maximize Reading Retention

Rehearsing What You Read To Maximize RetentionA very important yet almost always overlooked step in the process of reading is rehearsing what you read. After a few pages, half a chapter, or certain block of time, stop for a moment and try to recall the main ideas and more salient points of the arguments just stated. You may even wish to jot down a few notes. This acts as one more layer of repetition for your brain to familiarize itself with the most important facts and help solidify them in your memory. Then, repeat the process again after the preordained length of time or number of pages.

Our bodies need daily rest and our brains are no exception. After about 30 minutes or so of reading, our brains will start to downgrade older information to make room for new information. It is important through these periodic breaks that we allow and condition the brain to retain the most important information. Therefore, doing these breaks allows our brain to rest briefly, solidify the most important information, and prepare itself for the next intake session of reading.

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Paul Nowak

Paul is the founder of Iris Reading, the largest provider of speed-reading and memory courses. His workshops have been taught to thousands of students and professionals worldwide at institutions that include: NASA, Google, HSBC and many Fortune 500 companies.

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  • Lalitha Brahma

    I do reading mainly for business purposes and sometimes for entertaining/self-development.I never take time to recall and rehearse. This article inspires me to do that, knowing that our brain has the capability to downgrade the older information and make space for new.