how to speed read - Iris Reading
Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques

14 Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques (That Even A Child Can Master)

Both children and adults benefit from learning memorization techniques. Memorization is a fundamental aspect of education and learning, so educational institutions focus on it.  Different memorization techniques can be mastered even by children. Some of these techniques include the chunking method, using mnemonic devices, and the memory palace method. Developing memorization skills through these techniques […]

How Fast Can The Fastest Reader Read?

How Fast Can The Fastest Reader Read?

The world’s fastest reader record belongs to Howard Stephen Berg, popularly referred to as Speedy Berg. He read over 25,000 words per minute in 1990 and set the record at 80 pages per minute. Have you ever wondered if you could read a 1000-page textbook in a day?  Well, it’s normal to think you’re not […]

How busy people read

How Even The Busiest People Find Time To Read

Quick! Think of the last book you read that you enjoyed. What was it? If you can’t think of any you’ve read in a while, it is time to get back into the routine of reading. Reading promotes sleep, decreases stress, and can enhance your memory too. With all the benefits that come with reading, […]

reading comprehension

How To Read Faster Without Sacrificing Comprehension

How’s your reading challenge going so far? If your book pile is starting to collect dust, this is an excellent opportunity to learn how to speed read and meet your book goal for the year. Some people find that it is hard to believe that speed reading increases comprehension, but it’s true! Although it may […]

U.S. Tax Code

How Many Pages Is the Tax Code (& How Long Does It Take to Read It)

“Oh, January first. Better get started on those taxes, Neddy.” – Ned Flanders, The Simpsons. According to the Public Law 117-154(06/23/2022), the U.S. Tax Code is 6,871 pages. When you include the federal tax regulations and the official tax guidance, the number of pages raises to approximately 75,000. This will take an average reader about […]

What is Dyslexia and the Systematic Approach to Treatment

One of the most common learning disabilities that people face is dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that makes learning language skills difficult, most commonly seen with reading. Other skills those with dyslexia face are spelling, writing, and pronouncing words. It is not precisely clear where dyslexia comes from. What researchers do know is that in […]