memory improvement course | Iris Reading | Iris Reading - Part 5
How to Speed Read a Novel?

How to Speed Read a Novel (Explained)

Speed reading a novel can be done quickly by practicing some reading methods. Fast readers tend to read about 60 pages per hour.  You can also improve your reading speed by following the techniques below: Reading chunks, not words. Skimming through Not rereading Using trackers or hand-pacing Using tools to help you increase your reading […]

Do Speed Reading Courses Work?

Do Speed Reading Courses Work? (4 Benefits)

Speed reading courses can teach you how to consume more content than you would normally be able to if you read at an average pace. This can aid your ability to study more, work harder, and manage your time more effectively. You can master speed reading through speed reading courses by eliminating subvocalization (silent speech) […]

Is It Normal to Not Have an Internal Monologue? (Explained!)

Is It Normal to Not Have an Internal Monologue? (Explained!)

In pop culture, inner monologue is portrayed as something that only serial killers have. However, it’s not something that sinister. Many people talk and have conversations with themselves in their heads. For example, while writing this article, at many different points, I thought, “Okay, now I have to put this section here and that section […]

What Is Reading Speed Used For? (For Beginners)

What Is Reading Speed Used For? (For Beginners)

Reading speed is the rate at which a person reads printed or electronic text within a given amount of time, and it is typically measured by the number of words read per minute. The average reading speed of an adult is about 250 words per minute, but being average at reading won’t help your chances […]

50 Long Words Beginning with E & Their Meanings

50 Long Words Beginning with E & Their Meanings

Whether you are preparing for a standard test like the scholastic aptitude test (SAT), the graduate record examination (GRE), or simply looking to expand your vocabulary, you have come to the right place! In this article, we will tell you some long words beginning with the letter E. These words will consist of up to […]

9 Benefits of Repetition for Learning (Read This First!)

9 Benefits of Repetition for Learning (Read This First!)

Repetition is a crucial learning tool because it facilitates knowledge transfer from the conscious to intuitive or deeper recollection levels.  The most profound “aha” moments result from interaction with text, followed by another encounter. Repeating an encounter cements it in your memory. Learning is a gradual process where you interact with ideas and progressively amass […]