Do Speed Reading Programs Work? - Iris Reading
Do Speed Reading Programs Work?

Do Speed Reading Programs Work?

Do Speed Reading Programs Work?

Speed reading programs can improve your reading speed and comprehension by mastering various techniques such as skimming, scanning, and reducing subvocalization.

You may be curious whether speed reading works if you’re considering taking a speed reading class or using an app to help you read more quickly. 

Like many other people who want to speed read, there are always questions concerning the effectiveness of this technique. 

Speed reading can fasten your reading process. But if you want to keep your reading comprehension level high enough to understand what you are reading, you must frequently practice these speed reading techniques.

A good way to study these techniques is to find reading programs that work. These programs are designed to offer you practical approaches that can help you better utilize the speed reading lessons. 

Whether you’re preparing for an exam or want to improve your reading skills, a great program can help you achieve results quickly. 

This article will explore speed reading, how you can get through your lessons quickly, and useful programs you can leverage to improve. 

Let’s get going!

What is speed reading, and how does it work?

Speed reading happens when a reader moves through texts quickly, recognizes them, and comprehends entire phrases or sentences on a page. To speed read, you must understand how to eliminate regression and subvocalization. 

You do this by employing certain speed-reading strategies that enable the reader to read more quickly and retain more information in less time. Speed reading programs are designed based on proven reading techniques. 

As a potential speed reader, you must understand that speed reading takes practice and learning the techniques correctly. Not understanding how to implement the techniques will affect your reading and comprehension rates. 

Whether they are professionals who need to stay up with trends, company leaders in charge of a team, or students preparing for a test, many adults need to be able to process information fast and retain it accordingly.

What does science have to say about speed reading?

Science shows that speed reading texts can improve reading skills and comprehension when you do it right. Many reading techniques are backed by useful data suggesting that they could help readers improve their reading without compromising understanding.

You use your side vision when you skim or read quickly to take in a lot of text. The science of skimming supports speed reading. Building language processing and the ability to read more texts quickly will help you speed read better overall. 

Reading more and honing your language abilities are the only ways to read more quickly while still understanding what you’re reading (e.g., through increased vocabulary).

Because they have a greater visual vocabulary, some people read more quickly than others. Their brains can process information more quickly, retain more words, and store more data. Leveraging a memory maximization course can be a great way to also boost your capacity. 

The course’s authors Elizabeth Schotter and others, discuss how fixations and saccades reduce reading speed. Only the fovea of the eye has a large reading capacity. 

Additionally, to aid in understanding, our eyes have a tendency to return to previously read sentences.

Your brain and eye can be trained to process larger amounts of information, increasing your neurons’ flexibility.

Their research demonstrates that learning to read more quickly makes comprehending what is being read simpler. Students who read before and after instruction experienced a two-fold increase in average reading speed and comprehension.

Ultimately, speed reading has scientific backing, given the research on this area already. Many people, like you, ask if speed reading is scientifically proven. Although it falls within the bandwidth of science, you must practice it carefully to record meaningful results. 

How fast do people read on average?

Although the average word-per-minute (wpm) reading speed is between 250 and 300, some people are inherently faster readers. Using what we already know about how the eyes move and how text functions, we can also determine how many words a “typical” reader would read in a given amount of time.

If you haven’t mastered speed reading, your eyes will focus on 7–8 letters at a time as you read, then proceed to the following 7–8 letters, and so on.

Each fixation lasts between 200 and 250 milliseconds. That equates to 240 to 300 fixations every minute or 4 to 5 fixations per second. The average number of words in most manuscripts is five (six, if you add a space after each word).

As such, you read slower than most adults if you can’t read more than 250 words per minute. Understanding the average reading speed helps you properly categorize where you fall into. This will help you understand the speed reading techniques to adopt.

How fast can speed readers read?

A speed reader is considered to be someone who can read at least 400 words per minute. Most of the time, reading between 400 and 600 words per minute on average qualifies you as a “good” speed reader.

Before determining how quickly someone can read, we need to understand how quickly they must read to qualify as a speed reader. 

Second, we must assess how well someone comprehends what they are reading when they are speed reading.

Great speed readers can read up to 1,000 words per minute while still comprehending most texts. It doesn’t help to read so quickly if you can’t recall anything. 

After all, speed reading aims to absorb as much written information as possible in the shortest amount of time.

Often, those who read at speeds greater than 1,000 words per minute do it mechanically, which results in little comprehension or retention of the material they read. This defeats the purpose of speed reading since you may not get the desired value for time and money.

The world’s fastest reader is Howard Stephen Berg. The 1990 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records claims that he can read more than 25,000 words per minute.

But if you’re contemplating sharpening your speed reading skills, you must focus on realistic results. Ensure you don’t rush the process while utilizing practical techniques to accelerate your speed reading journey.

Are speed reading programs really efficient?

Speed reading programs are efficient when you choose the right app, understand its techniques, and structure your sessions perfectly. As with any other tool, these programs require adequate use to maximize their benefits. To learn speed reading, you must use a speed reading program correctly.

The best way to learn to read more quickly is through speed reading classes. Practice makes perfect when learning to read more quickly. Once you have mastered speed reading, you can read more text in the same amount of time.

Subvocalization, which slows down reading, is the most hazardous aspect of fast reading. So, refrain from repeating the words you read internally if you want to move fast and cover more texts quickly.

Speed reading courses are more effective when you can read words without saying them. Depending on how well you train yourself, you can read about 500 words per minute without struggling with comprehension. 

Most efficient speed reading techniques

Numerous efficient techniques exist for you to utilize when building speed reading skills. Learning these techniques correctly will help you acquire the skill quickly. 

Below are some core techniques you must learn as a speed reader. 

Stop speaking to yourself

Many readers engage in inner monologue, commonly known as “subvocalization,” during reading. The largest barrier to reading more quickly is speaking the words out in your thoughts as you read.

Don’t be concerned if you hear voices in your head while reading. As long as you are reading along with your own voice, you should be alright. This is how children are taught to read: they are instructed to repeat the words as they are being read mentally.

Do you recall how frequently it was repeated in classrooms, “Read the chapter in your head while I read it out loud”? By doing this as a young reader, you may have acquired this habit of having an inner monologue.

You were instructed to sound out each word as you read it aloud when you were first learning to read. Your teacher instructed you to speak the words aloud in your brain once you were proficient enough. 

Most people still read this way because it is how the habit began. Except if they decide they want to read more quickly, it doesn’t harm them in any way. This is the first skill you need to master if you want to read more quickly.

Subvocalization hurts speed reading because it prevents you from increasing your reading speed independently. When you subvocalize, your brain aligns your subvocalization speed with your reading speed, making it difficult to record tangible results. 

Therefore, you must eliminate it if you want to maintain improving your reading speed.

To do this, you must understand one thing: It is not required. To understand what you’re reading, you don’t have to speak every word aloud mentally. This speed reading technique was useful when you were younger, but not anymore now that you learn to read like adults. 

Do you pause and subvocalize when you see a “YIELD” sign, for example? Obviously not. All you need to do is gaze at it; your brain will take care of the rest. Apply this understanding when reading your normal texts too.

If you have trouble doing this, try reading while chewing gum or listening to instrumental music through headphones. If you do something else, your brain will pay less attention to subvocalization, making it easy to glance through texts simply. 

Chunking up words

The concept of eliminating internal dialogue is comparable to word-chunking. When reading multiple words at once, this technique comes in handy. 

Although each reading suggestion is connected, word-chunking is arguably the most efficient strategy to increase reading speed. Even though we are trained to read a word at a time and pay attention to every letter, people can comprehend more than one word at a time. 

Utilizing your side vision is one approach to simplify this step, but we will cover it in more detail in the next part.

Try to decipher three words for the time being by focusing on them. Continue doing so and note how much quicker you can read the entire page of text. It takes you far less time to comprehend what you read while still being able to do so.

Let’s take this concept a step further now. With a pencil, lightly jot down the sheet two parallel vertical lines. This will create three sections for the text. 

As usual, start at the top left of the page and use your hand or a piece of paper to cover everything below that line.

Pay close attention to reading the text as a whole. Like a traffic sign, group the words together, and scan them rapidly. Moving the paper as necessary, repeat this process all the way down the page. 

You’ll notice that your speed has increased from before. Use this approach repeatedly until you feel ready to take on more of a task.

Avoid reading the words again

When an individual reads, their eyes jerk and dart all over the place. They don’t transition back and forth as smoothly as they ought to. This is because most individuals, like you, like to review words they’ve already read. 

Doing this slows down your speed reading process. You typically do this without realizing it, so it might be challenging to quit the practice. The simplest method is to use your finger or a bookmark as a guide, even though you could feel like a child doing it.

Your finger should continue to go back and forth across the page. Don’t pause or turn around. Keep an eye on the words as your finger continues to move down the text. 

When you reach a conclusion, reflect on what you have read. You stopped reading (I hope! ), but you can still recall what you read.

Adopt peripheral vision

This one is crucial, as it affects how well you capture texts. Apply the above advice to see and comprehend multiple words at once. Instead of splitting the words into tiny chunks, try reading one line at a time. 

You need to read the rest of the line by focusing on the center of the line and using your side vision. You’ll discover that you read the entire page quickly and easily while still understanding what you read.

Use a stopwatch

Here’s your chance to put yourself to the test and learn how to read more quickly by setting “record time.” Set a one-minute timer and normally read during the duration of the timer. When the timer rings, note how many pages you’ve read.

The website WordstoPages can assist you in keeping track of the number of words you have read. Now combine what you’ve learned and retake the exam. Also, note that number below.

Continue doing this, and each time aim to surpass your previous total. 

When you accomplish a daily or weekly objective, treat yourself nicely. You’ll be able to read more quickly if you continue to play this small game!

Create a plan

Maintaining your reading and timer testing will be easier if you hold yourself accountable. Decide how many pages you want to read each day, week, month, etc., and make an effort to keep to your target. 

Give yourself a reward when you arrive. Getting motivated never hurts!

Continue reading

The term “practice makes perfect” is remarkably accurate. Every employee, artist, musician, etc., must perform their duties frequently.

The reader should follow the same pattern by continuing to read. It will help you become better at it. Your reading speed will increase the more proficient you get at reading.

Before breakfast, Theodore Roosevelt read one book. At night, he read three or four more. Additionally, he read pamphlets and newspapers. 

These novels may have been short, but they were above average. Make use of his obsession to advance your own objectives.

Mark it with a marker

Do you find it difficult to focus on the text as you read? Not an issue. As you read, slip an index card down from under each line. 

This will ensure that you read each sentence carefully instead of skimming through everything and missing important points.

Focus on expanding your vocabulary

Think about this: You run across a word you don’t recognize while reading. Do you ignore it? Do you make an effort to deduce it from the circumstances? Are you willing to check? 

Building your vocabulary effectively ensures you don’t run to the dictionary to check every seemingly big word. This helps you maintain your speed while reading. 

Looking up the meaning of each word will significantly slow you down.

If you continue to add words to your vocabulary, you’ll find it rather easier to learn more words this way

Skim over the main points

Finally, when you’re really stressed about time and need to finish reading something, take a deep breath and relax. Open the book and take your time reviewing the crucial information. 

Read the book’s content list. Read the text that follows the images. Get an overall sense of the chapter, section, etc.

After that, read each key section’s first sentence and observe what is left. Look at the center. Put this in your mind by giving it some thought.

Read with an objective in mind

Do you have a purpose in mind before you start reading a book?

Whether you’re reading to find out how a narrative ends, to pick up a new skill, or to get some answers, keep your aim in mind. You’re more likely to finish reading when you read with a specific objective in mind.

Particularly when reading a self-help book, having some background questions will help you get your answers or insights faster.

Pros and cons of speed reading

Before you learn how to speed read, you might want to consider the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. The pros and cons of speed reading include different factors. Understanding each of these sides helps you make informed decisions. 

Below is a list of the pros and cons of speed reading.

Pros of speed reading 

The pros of speed reading include:

Speed reading saves time

The most obvious advantage of speed reading is certainly the fact that you’ll save a lot of time. Speed reading will help you get through the reading material fast so you can maximize your time for other useful things. This could be preparing for an examination, presentation, or a talk.

Speed reading might literally save your life when a deadline approaches. When you’re short on time or trying to get things done quickly, speed reading can help you fly through tedious or repetitive reading. 

Speed reading is an excellent technique to do things quickly, especially if you have a huge workload to deal with constantly. With this skill, you are more likely to complete a text if you start it

Expert speed readers believe you can read any material in record time if you learn solid speed reading techniques. Speed reading can help you finish a book you usually start but never finish because you become bored.

There’s a good chance you’ll finish more materials because of how speed reading works. The skill is based on learning reading skills in minutes, improving pace, and focusing on the subject.

You’ll thus be satisfied with finishing what you started rather than a stack of unread novels.

Cons of speed reading programs

Although speed reading is a skill offering numerous benefits, some cons exist that you must know.

While speed reading is more effective in terms of time spent reading, you risk sacrificing comprehension in favor of speed. When reading quickly, it might be challenging to comprehend and remember the specifics of an extremely complex or thick text.

As we previously mentioned, fast reading is a useful technique for understanding the subject matter of a piece of literature. However, quick reading could make things more difficult if you need to be able to give precise answers to a text. 

Many passages will need to be read again, which could cause your reading speed to slow down. This is especially true if you began fast-reading the text without much prior knowledge of its subject.

In other words, speed reading is the most effective way to read, comprehend, and retain information. 

It is not for pleasure

Reading can also be a pastime, but speed reading is not for pleasure.

Many folks who wish to become faster readers may not care about having fun with the material they’re reading. Quick readers try to absorb as much information as they can in a short period of time and not to have fun with the reading material.

Speed reading is probably not for you if you read for pleasure and appreciate good writing.

It requires a ton of work!

Fast reading requires a lot of mental effort. You must first put in a lot of effort to teach yourself how to read swiftly. To master the techniques well enough, as with acquiring any new skill, you must practice thoroughly.

However, quick reading by itself can be exhausting. You must pay great attention to what you’re doing to recall anything from your reading. 

With practice, you can improve your “speed reading endurance,” but you probably won’t be able to do it for long periods of time.

Takeaway: Speed reading programs can help you read more efficiently

To get better at speed reading, it’s important to learn different techniques and find suitable options. You’ll want to understand your reading speed and things you need to eliminate to improve.

You’ll get better at speed reading by following the techniques correctly. Focus on using relevant speed reading programs to help you read more efficiently. 

From using the pointer method to chunking and skimming, numerous ways exist to speed read texts and make meaningful progress. A speed reading software such as Accelereader can help you improve your speed reading skills in record time. 

This speed reading software offers structured sessions to help you become a better speed reader. 

You can also time your speed to test your reading pace and determine the right technique for improvement. 

Check out these speed reading courses to get started!

25 Long Words That Start With S (& Their Meanings)
How to Speed Read and Remember Everything
