How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion? - Iris Reading
How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion

How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion?

How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion

Imagine being able to recall hundreds of items at lightning speed, all thanks to the mastery of memory techniques. Memory champions worldwide have astounded us with their feats of memorization, leaving us wondering what else our minds can achieve.

Anyone who wants to improve their memory can use these methods to succeed. You can learn the method of Loci, use common mnemonics, engage in active recall, and use chunking when learning to sharpen your skills. 

Unlocking your brain’s and memory’s full potential is easier than you think. Memory champions use various methods and tricks that you can learn and apply to your daily routine. 

With a bit of practice and dedication, you can become a master of memorization and impress your friends and colleagues with your newfound mental prowess.

These methods will help you remember more of your learning and improve your cognitive abilities.

This article will discuss techniques memory champions use, how long it takes to become one, how to apply these methods to improve your memory, and the best strategies for names and numbers.

Best techniques to train your memory like a memory champion

Memory champions hone their skills by mastering strategic techniques to retain information effortlessly. Here are some techniques they use:

Use common Mnemonics

Using mnemonics is a clever technique that connects new information to something familiar. They are often employed as tricks to help students remember important details in educational settings. 

For example, “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas,” – is a popular mnemonic that makes it easy to recall the correct order of planets in our solar system.

You can create your own mnemonics to help you remember any facts or lists. This technique is handy when learning and memorizing numbers, dates, or words. It is an effective method when trying to become a memory champion.

There are various types of Mnemonics, such as rhymes, acronyms, stories, and songs. The example above for remembering the planets is an example of an acronym. Acronyms comprise the first letter of each word in a phrase or list.

Rhymes are another type of mnemonic that uses syllables and rhymes to associate facts. For example, “30 days hath September, April, June, and November…” is a rhyme to help remember the number of days in each month.

Learn the method of Loci

The method of Loci is an ancient technique that dates back to classical Greek and Roman times. It is a memory improvement strategy that involves visualizing and associating facts with different locations or rooms in your house. You create a mental image of the fact or item and associate it with the room in your house.

When you go back to recall it, you mentally walk through your house and remember the fact associated with each room. This technique helps you remember facts, numbers, or lists in order.

Memory athletes use the method of Loci to memorize entire decks of playing cards or long lists of facts in quick succession. They create a mental image for each card or fact and place it in a specific location in their minds.

The method of Loci is based on the idea that the mind can better remember visual images than abstract concepts. By associating facts with a physical location, you can recall the information more quickly and effectively. 

For example, you could associate the traffic lights on the way to shopping with the items you need to buy – red could be meat, yellow could be bread, and green apples.

Build a Memory palace

The memory palace technique, made famous by the great Roman scholar Simonides of Ceos, empowers you to memorize many facts, lists, and numbers easily. You must conjure a mental image of a familiar place, then map your knowledge onto specific areas. 

To create a memory palace, you first need to choose a location familiar to you, such as your own house or a walk through your neighborhood. The more details you can remember about the place, the better.

Enhance your memory with a creative twist by honing in on specific objects or features. Rather than zoning out during a walk through your neighborhood, imagine the street or trees as key details you want to memorize. This imaginative technique will bring new life to the mundane, making it easier to remember important facts.

The next step is listing out the distinctive details of the memory palace in order, such as the furniture or objects in each room. 

Analyze the details and create a mental image for each one. If you are trying to remember a list of groceries, you could imagine a carton of milk on top of the fridge, a loaf of bread on the counter, and eggs in the cupboard.

Imprint the palace in your memory by walking through it in your mind. As you do this, focus on the details and facts associated with each object or location. This will help you recall the information more quickly and effectively.

2016 World Memory Champion, Alex Mullen, explains that the memory palace system is one of the most powerful mnemonic devices. He suggests that it may sound absurd, but using this technique to attach associations to objects in your memory palace can help you remember almost anything.

Assign visuals to new information

Visuals play a key role in memory improvement. They make recalling facts, numbers, and lists easier, making them more concrete and tangible. For example, if you are trying to remember a list of items, you could create a mental image of each item and its corresponding number.

You can also assign colors or symbols to new information to help you remember it more easily. Colors are especially effective for distinguishing between different items. For example, you could use blue for a grocery list, red for a work-to-do list, and green for a shopping list.

Unlock the secret to memorizing long lists of facts or numbers with this powerful technique! Instead of struggling to remember every detail, simply assign eye-catching visuals to each item and watch as the information easily comes to mind.

Use chunking when learning

Chunking refers to grouping related information to make it easier to remember. Instead of trying to remember long lists of facts or numbers, you break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Imagine trying to remember ten items on a grocery list – it can be overwhelming! But instead of wracking your brain for individual items, try chunking them into smaller, more manageable groups. 

By grouping them into two sets of five, you’ll make it easier to remember them and ensure you don’t miss any crucial details.

To use chunking effectively, group items that are related. For example, if you are memorizing a phone number, you could group the numbers into three chunks – the area code, the exchange number, and the last four digits. You can then focus on remembering each chunk instead of the entire number.

The key to chunking is finding patterns in the information you are trying to remember. The human brain is primed to recognize patterns and make connections, making remembering information chunked into logical groupings easier.

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Engage in active recall

Active recall involves testing yourself on the information you want to remember. It effectively imprints the knowledge in your memory and helps you recall it more quickly.

To practice active recall, write down the list of facts or items you need to memorize. Then, cover the list and try to recall each item without looking. Continue until you can remember all of the information without looking at the list.

Here are several practical ways to apply active recall:

Use flashcards

Flashcards are the classic tool for testing your memory. They are beneficial for memorizing lists of facts or items. Create a set of cards for each item you want to remember, and write the points or items on each card. Then, test yourself by flipping through the cards one at a time and trying to recall the information.

You can use diagrams, graphs, or other visuals to help you remember more complex information. The key is to make it as engaging and interactive as possible.

Put some power behind your study game with this simple hack for your flashcard habit: skip those multiple-choice options. Instead, force yourself to actively retrieve the info from your brain with no hints or clues.

Participate in memory competitions

Memory competitions are the ultimate test of your cognitive abilities. They involve memorizing long lists of facts and numbers in a short amount of time. The World Memory Championship, established in 1991, has been an annual event since then and attracts participants from all over the world.

Looking to fine-tune your memory skills? Look no further than a memory competition! This exciting and engaging activity involves putting active recall, chunking, and visual mnemonics to the test. Challenge yourself and see how you stack up against others in a fun and stimulating way.

Memory competitions are also a great way to learn new memory improvement techniques from other competitors. You can observe how they use different systems and incorporate what you learn into your memory system.

Play memory games

You can play memory games alone or with others, which is a great way to practice active recall with friends or family. Examples of memory games include Simon Says, Concentration, and Memory Match.

With Simon Says, your task is to remember a series of tricky commands like “Simon says jump” or “Simon says touch your nose.” You keep your memory sharp and your reactions quick as you tackle this fun and engaging game.

In the game of Concentration, your task is to uncover the location of hidden cards and match them up like a pro. Test your skills against an opponent as you take turns revealing two cards at a time in a grid to find the elusive matching pair.

With each turn, the stimulating game of Memory Match tasks you with recalling an increasingly complex sequence of colors or objects. Whether you’re looking to hone your focus solo, or compete against friends, Memory Match delivers endless hours of brain-teasing fun.

You may also want to read Are There Exercises to Improve Memory?

Practice mind mapping

Mind mapping is a visual tool for organizing ideas and information. It’s an excellent way to retain complex information and can be used to remember anything from vocabulary words to entire textbook chapters.

Start by writing the main concept or idea in the center of your page. Next, draw lines from the center with related information and ideas. Add drawings or symbols to each branch of your mind map to help you remember the information.

You can use mind maps to organize your thoughts before studying a topic or during classes to help you remember important concepts. Mind mapping can help you strengthen the links between related ideas and recall them faster.

Use spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a technique for memorizing information by gradually increasing the time between studying. For example, if you’re trying to remember a list of vocabulary words, review them daily for the first week. Then, review them every other day for the next week and every three days for the following week.

This technique helps you retain information for long periods because it reinforces the connections in your brain. 

Improve to a healthier diet

A healthy body is equal to a healthy mind. Eating nutritious foods and exercising can help improve your memory and cognitive function. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, have been linked to improved brain function.

Other foods that may benefit your memory include:


Bursting with vibrant hues, blueberries are a feast for the eyes and the brain too! With an impressive arsenal of antioxidants, these little fruits protect our precious brain cells from harm. 

Moreover, they’re a great fiber and vitamin C source, known for enhancing alertness and mental clarity.

Leafy greens

Step up your brain game by adding some leafy greens to your diet. Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard contain vitamin E and boast lutein to protect your noggin from harm. Your brain will thank you for the extra blood flow and improved function.


These creamy delights are loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids that can supercharge your memory and cognitive abilities. Avocados are also chock full of fiber and vitamins B6 and C to give you a mood-boosting, alertness-amplifying kick that’ll last all day.


Caffeine, the brain-boosting stimulant, enhances memory, focus, and decision-making abilities. But like any good thing, too much can cause jitters and mood swings. So, before you overdo it, practice moderation for a steady stream of productive energy all day long.


Loaded with curcumin, it can penetrate the blood-brain barrier to benefit your brain cells. Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that shields your brain from harm and performs miracles for your mind. 

Not only does it enhance your memory and focus, but it can also brighten your mood like a ray of sunshine.

Good sleep habits

Getting enough sleep is essential for good memory and cognitive function. Your brain needs time to rest and consolidate information, so sleeping well each night is important.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, and avoid caffeine or electronics late at night. Your bedroom should also be cool, dark, and free of distractions to help you get a good night’s sleep.

Short power naps throughout the day can also improve your alertness and focus. Just be sure not to nap too long, as this can interfere with your sleep at night.

You can also try relaxation techniques before bed to help you fall asleep. Deep breathing, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress and improve sleep.

Physical exercise

Regular physical exercise increases the flow of oxygen to your brain, which helps nourish and protect cells. Working out 60% – 70% of your maximum ability helps increase new neurons’ growth and create stronger connections between existing ones. It also reduces stress hormones like cortisol, which can interfere with learning and memory.

When you’re active, your endorphin levels increase, flooding your body with feel-good chemicals that can leave you feeling cheerful and stress-free. Be sure to carve out a minimum of 30 minutes each day to get your blood pumping and your spirit soaring.

Exercise isn’t only for relaxation—it’ll also seriously boost your brain. Sharpen your mind and speed up your memory by hitting the gym, running, or finding your favorite at-home workout. The more you push yourself physically, the more your brain benefits mentally.

Let’s look at some of the best exercises for improving memory and cognitive function:


Experience the thrill of the outdoors while improving your cardiovascular health through cycling. This invigorating activity raises your heart rate and challenges your balance, coordination, and memory skills.

Outdoor cycling is a fantastic way for adults over 50 to combat age-related memory decline. And it’s not just limited to seniors – cycling is great for people struggling with Parkinson’s disease too!

Indoor cycling can boost your brain by promoting mindfulness and keeping your mind engaged. If you commit to just 30 minutes thrice a week, you could see significant improvements in your memory and retention.


Yoga is specially designed to help you deal with the overwhelming pressures of modern life. It connects you with your inner self, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. A proven stress-buster, yoga reduces anxiety, giving your precious memory and cognitive function a much-needed boost.

Bend, stretch, and hold – yoga is not just a physical exercise; it’s also a mind booster. Not only does it increase your focus, but it can also help improve your memory recall. Imagine concentrating better and remembering information more clearer – all with the help of a yoga mat. 

And the best part is, you don’t have to be a yoga expert to reap the benefits. Whether you prefer a serene practice at home or the energy of a group class, yoga can give you the support and motivation you need to enhance your mental abilities.

You can do various poses to help improve memory, such as tree pose, shoulder stand, and cobra pose. Try to incorporate these poses into your regular yoga routine for maximum benefits.

Interval training

This dynamic approach blends quick, intense bursts of activity with laid-back, chill exercise moments. Get creative and choose any activity you love, from running to biking, swimming to walking.

Interval training workouts not only work wonders for your body, but they also challenge your mind to adapt to changing intensities. It ultimately enhances your focus and memory recall abilities.

This exercise only supports the growth of new neurons and increases the production of the incredibly important brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

A good example is to get your heart racing and your legs pumping as you sprint at maximal intensity for 30 seconds, then take things down a notch with a leisurely jog for one minute. 

Repeat this sweat-inducing cycle 10-15 times, pushing your limits and building endurance for a supreme running session that lasts 30-45 minutes.

Social interaction

Regular social interaction is essential for keeping your brain healthy and active. Interacting with people helps stimulate the brain, improve communication skills, and increase memory retention.

Socializing also helps reduce stress, a known factor in memory loss. People who regularly socialize have an easier time recalling information and can better retain new skills and facts. They are also less likely to experience age-related memory decline.

Take time out of your day to socialize with friends, family, or neighbors. Catch up with an old friend over coffee or schedule regular lunch dates with your colleagues.

Joining a local club or group can introduce you to a whole new world of friends and activities. And if you prefer virtual connection, never fear – there are thriving online forums and communities for just about any interest.

How long does it take to become a memory champion?

A memory champion masters the art of memorization and can recall large amounts of information quickly and accurately. Becoming a memory champion could take several months or years, depending on the person.

The key to becoming a memory champion is practice and dedication. It requires you to set aside time daily and actively practice various memory improvement techniques. With enough effort and commitment, it is possible to become a memory champion quickly.

How long do memory athletes train?

Most memory athletes typically spend several hours each day practicing their memorization techniques. This could involve reviewing flashcards, using mnemonic devices, or actively recalling information.

To become a successful memory athlete, you must have a consistent practice schedule and dedication to honing your memorization skills. Memory athletes may also join competitions and tournaments to test their skills and stay up-to-date on the latest memory techniques.

Becoming a memory athlete is no easy feat. It takes months, even years, of diligent practice and unwavering commitment to reach the top of your game. 

These competitors pour countless hours of time and effort into honing their abilities, striving to achieve mastery over the art of memory.

What is the best technique to remember names?

While remembering names can be tough, it’s possible with the right method. One technique worth trying is to create a visual image or association to imprint the name in your memory better. Let’s say you come across a Susan – with her name in mind, picture her donning a sun hat to help you cement her identity.

Repeating the name out loud to yourself or saying it multiple times in conversation will also help you fix it in your memory. Focus on the person’s face and repeat their name in conversation to further reinforce the memory.

What is the best technique to remember numbers?

Numbers are more difficult to remember than words. They are abstract and don’t often have an easy association to draw from. Chunking makes it easier to remember long strings of numbers by breaking them into smaller chunks.

This technique involves grouping numbers into smaller, more manageable groups. For example, if you were trying to remember the number 876-543-2100, you could break it down into 876-543 and 2100.

However, there needs to be some sort of association or connection between the chunks. For instance, if you were trying to remember a phone number, you could think of 876-543 as the area code and 2100 as the last four digits.

You can also use mnemonic devices to remember numbers by creating a story or phrase that relates to the numbers you are trying to remember. For instance, if you were trying to remember the number 125, you could create the phrase “One two five” to help you remember it.

Takeaway: Train your memory like a champion with these tips

Sharpening your memory skills takes practice and dedication. To become a memory champion, you must dedicate several hours daily to hone your memorization skills and technique.

Use visual association, repetition, and mnemonic devices to help you remember names and numbers. With these tips and plenty of practice, you can unlock the power of your memory.

If you want to take your memorization skills to the next level, consider signing up for our memory improvement course! You’ll learn the tips and techniques to become an expert memorizer. Sign up today to start your journey toward being a memory champion.

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