How Long Would It Take to Read the Most Treasured Classics of Our Time?
If the average person reads 250 words per minute, it would take about 1 hour to read a 12,000-word classic like “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. Also, it would take 72 hours to read the entire Harry Potter series, which has a word count of 1,073,288 words.
Authors have thrilled us with astounding reads, and many of these have stood the test of time. They range from short coming-to-age reads to long 1 million+ word novels. They cover everything from nonfiction to fiction, from love stories to murder, and more.
Exactly how fast could you read some of the most treasured classics of all time? To figure it out, we calculated it for you!
Considering the average person reads 250 words per minute, the times below are how many hours it would take to read each book. Keep in mind that the word count for each book listed is based on the audiobook length. This is a rough estimate, but it will give you a good idea of how much time to set aside for each book.
You’ll read the treasured classics above in the time stated if you reading speed is 250 words per minute. Just think how fast you could get through these books if you vastly increased your reading speed! Reading the entire Harry Potter series would be a snap! You can read your favorite classic faster than you thought you could!
Speed reading helps you to read well above the average 250 words per minute rate. With speed reading, you can read 400 – 700 words per minute without a drop in concentration. Many reading speedsters, using speed-reading techniques, even read at a speed of 1,000 words per minute (but with only 85% comprehension). If you learn speed reading, you can confidently finish Gone with the Wind quicker than the average reader.
Iris Reading is the largest and most trusted provider of speed-reading classes. Our lessons have been taught to thousands worldwide, including students in top-rated universities (like Harvard, Stanford, and Berkeley) and executives at A-list organizations (like NASA, Google, etc.).
Iris Reading courses will help you read at superhuman speed while comprehending what you read and being able to recall it effectively. Thus, our speed-reading courses help you become a more efficient reader. Some of the top-rated speed reading courses are:
Speed Reading Foundation Course. It’s the perfect course for beginners (whether students or professionals) who want to increase their reading speed so that they can read more in less time.
Speed Reading Mastery Course. It’s the ideal course for those who are already familiar with basic speed-reading techniques. You’ll learn how to comprehend when speeding through technical materials.
Speed Reading for Business Professionals. It’s the perfect course for professionals who need to get through tons of information despite having very busy schedules.
Roger Linke
Huck Finn in an hour?!