Top 50 Useful Skills You Can Learn Fast (in your free time) - Iris Reading

Top 50 Useful Skills You Can Learn Fast (in your free time)

A skill is an ability developed and learned to do tasks or activities competently. There is a broad range of skills that you can learn to help you land a job, improve your social life, and assist in meeting the demands and challenges in life. 

All skills are useful, but some are hard to learn. For example, technical skills, such as programming, need you to invest time and attend classes to learn them. Because of the thought, “I don’t have the time to educate myself,” it is easy to shy away from the idea of learning new skills. 

It’s true; learning a new skill can help you do better in school or excel in your career. But choosing to acquire one also depends on your preference and needs. 

Luckily, not all skills that are important in your career or schooling require a class or week-long conference. These ten skills are some that you can learn quickly and actually apply to all aspects of your life.

1. Computer shortcuts

Learn the ABCs of computer shortcuts. It’s a skill necessary for this generation where we are highly dependent on computer technology for our work and classes. 

Learning the computer shortcuts can help increase the speed at which you navigate your computer and computer programs. It helps you work faster and efficiently perform tasks with increased precision. This ultimately boosts your productivity and saves your time. 

Not sure where to begin? Computer Hope has you covered. Here you can find shortcuts for both Mac and PCs. You’ll quickly discover how easy it is to learn these commands. 

2. Microsoft Excel

Everyone should have a good understanding of how Microsoft Excel works. Skills like how to sort a list, build tables and charts, and widely used formulas are all good to have in your back pocket. 

It can be advantageous in your class regardless of your year level and degree program. It is also an essential technical skill that is useful in various industries. 

Find out how to do these skills and more here.  

3. Unsend emails

Oops! You accidentally sent an email out too soon. Years ago, this would have been an issue, but not anymore. Gmail has an “undo send” option, so you can rest assured your client or boss won’t see an email unintended for them.

Find out how you can do so in your Gmail account here.

4. How to tie a tie

Not every career requires business attire at the office every day. But learning to tie is an excellent skill because it shows independence and is part of an essential life skill: learning to look after yourself. 

For those who rarely have to wear a tie, it can become an issue when you do have to wear one. So, start learning how to tie a tie. This YouTube video has over 62 million views and is an excellent resource to teach you how to tie a tie.

5. Breathe

Wait, don’t you already do that automatically? Yes, but in this instance, you’re learning to breathe to relax, calm anxieties, and fall asleep faster. 

A highly advised breathing technique is the 4-7-8 breath. The breathing pattern is as follows:

  • Empty the lungs of air
  • Breathe in quietly through the nose for 4 seconds
  • Hold the breath for a count of 7 seconds
  • Exhale forcefully through the mouth, pursing the lips and making a “whoosh” sound for 8 seconds
  • Repeat the cycle up to 4 times

Simple enough and can be done anywhere.

6. Think before you speak

A coworker or your boss said something that hit a nerve, and you want to say something to refute them. But you better watch out. Speaking or writing something without taking a moment to think of the consequences can cost you. 

Inc. Magazine has an easy way to help avoid conflict by remembering to THINK before you speak:

T – is it True?

H – is it Helpful?

I – is it Inspiring?

N – is it Necessary?

K – is it Kind?

7. Be a better listener

Everyone is guilty at one point in their life of zoning out while someone is speaking. Becoming a better listener can help in all aspects of your life since it is essential to effective communication. It fosters trust and respect and helps build relationships. 

Quit your internal agenda and pay attention to what someone is telling you. Repeat back what they say to you by rephrasing their statement and asking questions. Another big tip is to control yourself and don’t interrupt or talk over someone. 

When you operate in listening mode, you’ll become a stronger person. 

8. Recover after forgetting someone’s name

Oh no! You met someone at a networking or business event and already forgot their name. Nerves at these events can get the best of you, but there are easy ways to recover their name without asking for it again. 

Ask for their business card, phone number, or email. Another option is to invite a friend to the conversation, introducing them with the hopes that the other person will give out their name again.

You can also take a memory enhancer course to improve your memory and prevent this awkward situation from happening again.  

9. Declutter your schedule

Ever feel overwhelmed? Many people try to pack too much into a day. Seeing items on their to-do list that they have yet to complete can put unnecessary pressure on themselves.

Know that you can’t do everything at once. Make some time for yourself, sort out what is most important to you, and say no to the things that aren’t. Find out what makes you tick and use that as motivation to declutter your schedule. 

10. Learn how to say “hello” and “thank you” in multiple languages

If you’re at a business lunch with a client who lives in another country, learn to greet them and say “thank you” in their native language. But if you are not working, learning another language, even just the basic words, can help you a lot. 

Learning multiple languages can significantly improve your memory and brain functions. Not only that, but it also encourages respect and understanding and fosters trust by breaking barriers between people. 

Duolingo is a free site where you can learn basic phrases in multiple languages. You never know; it could be the way to close a sale.

11. Understand other people’s emotions

It’s easy to feel sad for people we see crying or suffering, but it takes one to learn to recognize and understand their perspective. 

Recognizing people’s emotions and understanding their perspective in their situation is a skill called empathy. It can come naturally to some, but it’s a crucial skill that one can learn. Acquiring this skill can help you resolve conflict and improve or build meaningful relationships. 

You can start developing this skill by giving full attention to the concerned party. Be attentive and notice the verbal and nonverbal cues because this helps you fully understand their situation. 

Be open-minded and set aside your assumptions and biases to help you acknowledge their feelings and thoughts. 

You don’t have to give advice necessarily. Sometimes, listening and empathizing can do much more than you can imagine. 

12. Ask the right questions

Asking the right question is another skill essential for effective communication. It helps you learn more by gathering the accurate information you need and lets you build stronger relationships by quickly connecting you with other people. 

To ask the right questions, you must be attentive and listen well to the speaker. If you need clarification and more information, ask open-ended questions to have an avenue for an explanation. Also, watch your tone when you ask questions to prevent people from being uncomfortable. 

13. Organize and clean your place

Yes, organizing and cleaning are valuable skills regardless of age and what you do in life. Learning how to organize your stuff and maintain cleanliness can help you focus on your task, relax your mind, elevate your mood, and be more efficient and productive. 

You can start by decluttering and arranging your things. You can also do basic things like always throwing your garbage in the trash bin, washing dishes after eating, and regularly cleaning your house. 

14. Learn how to focus

Focus is a skill that lets you concentrate on things or people. It enables you to direct your attention and effort to sustain energy to complete your tasks or reach a goal. 

It may seem like an essential skill everyone knows, but it is challenging to hone and master. Unfortunately, the attention span declines with age and with multi-tasking. 

Don’t worry because you can relearn this skill as long as you constantly work on it. Start by eliminating distractions, prioritizing tasks, training your mind to be disciplined, avoiding multitasking, and taking breaks in between work. 

15. Budget your finances

One of the must-learn skills is budgeting. It involves calculating how much you earn, how much you need to save, and allocating money for expenses while making sure that they don’t exceed your income. 

Creating a budget helps you manage your financial resources and live within your means. It also provides financial stability for your life and your company. 

16. Be a fast reader

Being a fast reader is not only about the speed but also how well you understand what you are reading. It lets you read more material in a short amount of time while not sacrificing comprehension. 

This skill stimulates the brain to perform at a higher level to take in information faster, help you finish more paperwork, and manage your work and time. 

Tips for speed reading are to skim the document to get an overview of the reading material, focus on and eliminate distractions, and track your progress. 

17. Manage your time well

Managing time well is a difficult skill to master. It refers to your ability to use time productively and efficiently. 

Once you manage your time well, you can prioritize well, accomplish tasks, and achieve work-life or student-life balance if you are doing it.

One tip for managing your time is to use a to-do list and prioritize urgent and essential matters. You can also give a time limit for each task to help you stick to your plan. 

18. Control your anger

When you are overwhelmed by anger, you tend to do things that can hurt you or others. That is why it is essential to manage your emotions. It does not only protect you from the irreversible effects of anger on you but also on your loved ones. 

In managing anger, you don’t have to suppress it and stop yourself from feeling it. Instead, it involves learning to recognize it, cope with it, and redirect it to more productive activities.

19. Learn to negotiate

Although common in business, negotiation skills are not only for entrepreneurs. They apply to any area of your life, even if you haven’t started a business yet. 

Negotiation is a soft skill that enables you to settle disputes, reach agreements, and compromise between two or more sides. It is a give-and-take process that benefits everyone involved.  

Start learning this skill by listening and understanding the issue, using timing to your advantage, being objective, and always getting when you give something. 

20. Learn how to make decisions

While making decisions seems a simple and everyday occurrence in our lives, not all can do it. Some people have a hard time deciding because of the consequences of their decision. This frequently leads to procrastination. 

So, developing this decision-making skill is essential. Develop this skill by identifying and assessing the situation. Think of potential solutions and actions as well as the pros and cons of each option. Then choose the best option and track the results. 

21. See the bigger picture

Seeing the bigger picture means witnessing the situation’s entirety and comprehending the matter’s context. It is an essential skill that can help enhance your decision-making skills. 

When you have a complete perspective of the situation, you can assess how actions can affect the whole people involved. Then you can prioritize tasks more effectively and set better and actionable goals to help you advance in school or your career. 

To develop this skill, you must learn to prioritize quality over perfectionism. You can try to make organized lists of the goals, tasks, targets, and responsibilities to help you see the whole situation and what you need to do. 

22. Resolve conflicts well

Conflicts typically happen, but how one handles them matters. It can either break or make the relationship stronger. 

Resolving conflicts is a skill one must learn because it is the fifth most important emotional intelligence skill. If you know how to manage conflict positively, it can help you build stronger relationships.

You must be able to become emotionally aware of yourself to be able to resolve conflict. You also have to be calm and don’t let emotions overwhelm you. You can also talk and compromise to come up with a resolution that benefits you and the party involved. 

23. Speak in front of a crowd

Speaking in front of a crowd may be dreadful, but it is a useful soft skill that will benefit you. It can help you build confidence, enhance communication skills, and expand your connections. It can also be a perfect avenue to influence and motivate change. 

Before you speak in front of the crowd, you have to prepare. Preparation includes knowing your audience, organizing your materials, and practicing. Always practice helping you deal with nervousness and deliver your speech well.

24. Collaborate with others

Collaboration is working with others to complete a task or achieve a common goal. Some people may be uncomfortable working with others, but one has to learn how to collaborate, especially if you are working in a company or a group. 

Developing this skill can improve teamwork and problem solving, leading to innovation, better communication, and improved efficiency. 

Start taking steps to collaborate with others by communicating clearly, finding a mentor, joining groups, and participating in team-building activities, 

25. Set your goals

Goal setting starts with careful consideration and taking active steps to reach your dream or achieve what you want in life. It helps you succeed by creating a focus, giving you direction in life, and empowering you with a sense of control in your life. 

Setting your goals has to be specific to break down how you can achieve them. It also has to be measurable and attainable, which means it has to be within your capability to achieve. Lastly, it has to be relevant or connected with your objectives and time-based.

26. Learn how to cook

Cooking is a key skill that not only for the chefs but for everyone to learn. It helps you eat healthy food or any food of your preference and develop skills involved in cooking, such as budgeting money and cleaning. It also lets you save money because it is inexpensive. 

27. Select good produce

Selecting good produce is the ability to pick the best fresh vegetables, fruits, and other foods. It is necessary for your health because good produce contains essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs. 

But generally, firm without soft spots is a sign that it’s fresh. The strong fragrance indicates that it’s more flavorful. Aside from that, you also have to consider colors.

28. Cope with stress

Managing and coping with stress is key to keeping you sane, mentally healthy, productive, and happy. It can be difficult at first, but you will eventually learn to deal with stress and prevent it from overcoming you. 

Some healthy ways to cope with stress are to take a break, eat healthy food, exercise, and get enough sleep. You can also unwind and talk to people you can trust. If the stress is already too much to handle, seek professional help. 

29. Adapt to changes

Adapting to changes is a skill that helps expand your capacity to handle change, improve flexibility and resilience, and help you thrive in future endeavors.

Some people can easily adjust, but some have difficulty accepting changes in their environment. One way to do this is to be open-minded to see the benefits and opportunities of the current change in your life.

30. Learn to relax effectively

Yes, relaxing is a skill, not a luxury, that only a few can do. It is necessary to learn how to relax effectively to help decrease stress in your body, improve your focus, elevate your mood, and minimize health risks. 

Some things you can do to relax are to stay in a place conducive to relaxation, play music if you want, breathe slowly, and free your mind from negative thoughts and problems. 

31. Solve problems effectively

Problem-solving skills can help you understand a certain problem or issue in your life and let you resolve such a problem. This will benefit you because the people around you will have a greater sense of trust in you, making you a valuable asset in your community or workplace.

A way to solve your problem effectively is to visualize it and brainstorm creative solutions to your problem.

32. Be innovative

Innovation skills refer to the ability to create and adapt ideas to every endeavor. Being innovative is a top skill since it enhances your creativity which eventually may lead to more significant results in your life.

This skill can be improved by engaging yourself in problem-solving activities and brainstorming sessions among your peers.

33. Capture moments beautifully

Photography skills refer to the skills you need to acquire to capture beautiful, unique, high-quality photographs. If you are able to obtain such skills, you can catch the moments beautifully and can relive those whenever you want to.

To acquire or develop your photography skills, you can enroll in some photography workshops and training or just shoot, click and capture the moments until you get the perfect picture you want.

34. Write to communicate

Writing skills are a person’s ability to put their thoughts into words meaningfully. It is a beautiful skill that fosters your communication and thinking skills.

One way to allow you to develop such skills is to create articles or essays about your life, your experiences, your learnings or insights, or any topics that you may think of.

35. Manage your money 

Managing your money is an ability that involves conscious decisions in managing your own finances. It helps you achieve your financial goals by developing self-control and helping you stick to your budget. 

To master managing your money well, you must set and be clear of your financial goals so that your plans will be realized. Create a realistic budget, track your expenses, and build up your savings. 

36. Learn to invest

Learning to invest your money is a skill and life hack which refers to distributing your resources in order to have a stable income or gain profits which leads you to have a better life. It has already been a trend nowadays since investing can be an effective way to build your wealth.

For you to start investing, join some seminars about investing, or you can tap a friend that you know who is already investing so that you can gain some insights into his or her investing strategies and techniques.

37. Type faster

Typing is basically the ability to use the computer keyboard or even typewrite accurately. This is an essential skill since we are already living in the Computer Age or Digital Age where computers are everywhere.

The easiest way to improve your typing skill is to take some typing tests that are already available online for free.

38. Learn how to swim

Swimming is a skill that comes in handy in many situations. It is about being able to enter the water, which includes controlled breathing, floating, and moving in the water safely. It is essential to know how to swim since it can lead to better stamina, balance, and posture and is one way to exercise your body.

39. Influence others

Having persuasion skills can be an advantage for you. It is a set of skills that includes communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills. It is vital to know how to relate to others and influence them on what you have learned in your life or vice versa.

One way to influence others is through making friends and exchanging some ideas about your insights in life.

40. Learn how to drive

Learning to drive a car can be essential for you. It is important for you to acquire driving skills to keep the roads safe, not just for you but also for everyone.

In order for you to learn how to drive, let yourself be enrolled in a driving school to know the best driving practices.

41. Read a map

Reading a map is vital even if we are already in the information age. This skill is about reading and understanding the geographic information shown on a map. Through map reading, you may foster your direction skills and even develop a mental map of the real-world information shown on the map.

Some tips in developing your map reading skills are: choosing the correct type of map, getting used to using the compass, understanding the basic features of the map, trusting the map, and going outside and practicing.

42. Develop a sense of responsibility

Developing a sense of responsibility is being accountable for the things you do or the decisions you make in your life. We need to know that being responsible is vital in everything you do because it means you are in control of your life.

Developing such a sense of responsibility can be done through simple things like getting your work done, paying your bills, and being on time for appointments and meetings.

43. Learn to meditate  

Meditation is the practice of having a focused concentration, putting yourself into the moment, and clearing your mind from distractions. Learning how to meditate has already been a trend since it can increase self-awareness, reduce negative feelings or emotions and manage your stress.

There are some ways to meditate, including guided meditation, mantra meditation, qi gong, tai chi, mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, and even yoga.

44. Dealing with customers

Whether you own a business or not, dealing with customers and offering customer service is a useful skill that you can use sooner or later. Positively dealing with customers cultivates a sense of trust and loyalty, generates more sales, and boosts business growth.

When dealing with customers, it is important to stay calm. Listening and suggesting a solution are also necessary actions to develop this skill. 

45. Identify non-verbal cues

A non-verbal cue is a form of non-verbal communication that conveys information without using a single word. The cues include body language, posture, eye contact, facial expression, voice, and distance between you and other people. 

Identifying non-verbal cues is necessary to develop non-verbal communication skills. It helps you become sensitive to your body language as well as of others. These signs, if matched well with the words spoken, can establish trust, build rapport, and ensure clarity of information.

To develop this skill, you can start with being aware of your body signs. You can begin to maintain comfortable eye contact during conversation and an open body position to improve communication better when conversing. 

46. Develop mathematical skills

Not everyone loves numbers, but unfortunately, numbers exist everywhere we go. The benefits of learning this skill include enhanced decision-making and problem-solving skills, increased attention span, and improved budgeting skills, among others. 

To improve your mathematical skills, you can try game-based learning or hire a tutor if you have difficulty learning it independently. You can also use and practice skills in your daily activities, such as budgeting and setting a time limit for your tasks. 

47. Learn basic first aid

Learning basic first-aid is about the skills and techniques in saving one’s life—may it be yours or others. You may have to undergo training to learn those skills and techniques, but it can lead to positive results and insights into saving a life.

You may enroll at the nearest agency that offers basic first-aid training and get a certificate for such undertaking.

48. Build self-confidence

Building self-confidence is a skill that enhances your perspective in your life towards your attitude in improving your skills and abilities.

It may be difficult for others to improve their self-confidence, but it is essential since it will let you see your goals in life clearly and let you have control of your own life.

A tip for building self-confidence is to accept your strengths and weaknesses and improve those, especially your weaknesses.

49. Think critically 

Critical thinking is an ability to examine the things you do or experiences in your life, such as problems and whatnot.

This is essential because it enhances your decision skills, it helps to know the consequences of the things you do in your life, and to improve the way you express yourself.

In order to develop your critical thinking skills, you have to examine the possibilities and consequences of your decisions by getting the different perspectives of your problem, for example.

50. Taking care of oneself

Self-care is a basic necessity to be healthy in all aspects. It is more about how you tend to your needs from a physical, emotional, and even mental health perspective. 

If you can take care of yourself, you can cope with stressors you encounter every day, keep up with the daily activities you need to do, and take care of your loved ones.

This skill can be done easily; you just have to indulge yourself in your needs like your nutrition, hygiene, and even medical care when needed.


Learning does not always mean confining yourself in a classroom and surrounding yourself with books. It also has to deal with different types of skills that are necessary for your professional and personal growth. It is a life-long process that doesn’t end in a classroom and doesn’t have an age requirement. 

However, acquiring new skills as we grow old may not be as fast as when we are kids. It may be harder to retain information, resulting in longer times to learn. 

Good thing Iris Reading offers a Maximizing Memory course to help you strengthen your memory through its various practical techniques for remembering and memorizing information. It is also suitable for both students and professionals. 

Enroll in Maximizing Memory course now!

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