Four Ways Reading Impacts You to Become a Better Person
While skimming through your Facebook feed or tweets is fun, nothing beats the power of a good book. Reading every day is a healthy activity to practice. Even reading a newspaper article or an article from a magazine is good for you and your brain. There are many reasons why you should practice reading every day, like improving your writing or vocabulary. But reading a book can also make you a better person too. Here’s how.
Improves cognitive function
Many resources say that reading has the power to fight cognitive decline, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s. Scientist say that the more intellectual activities a person does throughout their life, and especially in the older years, stimulates the brain. In a study by the American Academy of Neurology, they found that cognitive decline rate was reduced by 32 percent when people did brain-stimulating activities, like reading. The more you make it an everyday practice to read, the better!
Makes you feel happier and more empathetic
In a survey by the University of Liverpool, they looked at 4,164 adults to see the impact reading has on a person emotionally. The ones that read regularly were shown to be less stressed, depressed, and have more confidence than those who don’t. The study also found that avid readers tend to have closer relationships with others. Especially when it comes to reading fiction, you emerse yourself in someone else’s world and get their perspective on things. You become more aware of your surroundings in the present and are more consciousnesses of other people’s feelings.
Reading can change relationships
Reading can make someone a better person and improve their relationships with those around them. Writer, teacher, and lawyer Michelle Kuo is an advocate for prison education. In her TED Talk shown below, Reading with Patrick, she gives the example of one inmate she spent time with encouraging him to read. Kuo says, “Reading also changed our relationship with each other. It gave us an occasion for intimacy, to see beyond our points of view. And reading took an unequal relationship and gave us a momentary equality.” If reading has the power to change a lost soul, then it has the potential to change many aspects of relationships between strangers, friends, family, and colleagues.
Explore your dreams and find your passions
The more you read, the more you are exposed to a whole world of knowledge. TED speaker and avid reader Lisa Bu explained in her talk how reading exposes you to different cultures and ideas. She offers some advice on how to use reading not only for pleasure but as a way to find out who you are. She suggests reading two books at a time that complement one another. For example, read a book about Christianity and one about Hinduism. Two different religions, but on the same topic. If you’re looking for some book ideas, you will find plenty here.
Reading is powerful. But if you’re a speed reader you already knew that, right? If not, here is your chance to become one and enjoy all the benefits books have! Find out more about our courses today and how you can improve your reading skills.