14 Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques (That Even A Child Can Master) - Iris Reading
Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques

14 Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques (That Even A Child Can Master)

Smart & Fast Memorization Techniques

Both children and adults benefit from learning memorization techniques. Memorization is a fundamental aspect of education and learning, so educational institutions focus on it. 

Different memorization techniques can be mastered even by children. Some of these techniques include the chunking method, using mnemonic devices, and the memory palace method. Developing memorization skills through these techniques is fun.

Learning the best practice memorization techniques can help individuals in various ways. These techniques prove to be of great help. Especially for subjects like science and mathematics, concepts and formulas must be memorized.

These concepts and formulas are then applied to critical thinking and problem-solving.

Aside from academics, memorization is also essential for normal daily life activities. This skill can help you remember important days, addresses, and phone numbers. Along with that, it can also help you fulfill your responsibilities and stay organized.

Memorization also aids in keeping the brain active and functioning. The brain exercise that occurs through memorization enhances cognitive abilities. Moreover, it also helps to improve memory retention.

After learning all the advantages of memorization, you must be interested in knowing some intelligent and fast learning techniques. Let’s explore some memorization methods that you and your child can master!

1. Make visual connections

Making visual connections is a technique that involves the association of information with a mental image. This mental image will help store the data and recall it later. This is an effective technique as the brain can remember visual information better.

It is vital to use this learning style to create solid visual connections between certain information and the mental image. The vividness of the mental image will determine how easy it is to recall the associated data.

This technique is beneficial for remembering the names of people. This is because you can associate specific images with the sound of their names. Adding humor and animation to your mental image can make the information more memorable.

As the technique involves imaginative skills and pictorial memory, it can be easily mastered by children. It is also easier to be taught to children as compared to other complex memorization techniques.

Moreover, making visual connections activates and engages different parts of the brain, thus keeping it healthy and functioning.

2. Use spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a learning technique characterized by reviewing material at increasing intervals. According to this technique, repeating the learned material after systemic intervals helps effectively retain information in the long-term memory.

At the beginning of this process, the time intervals after which the information is reviewed are spaced closely.

For example, if you are trying to learn new words, you can note down all the terms and then view them after every two hours, six hours, or one day. After a specific time, you can make the intervals systemically longer (five days, one week, etc.).

It is recommended to review the material before the brain forgets it. This way, you can store all the words in your long-term memory.

Spaced repetition reduces the chances of forgetting information. This is because it provides a significant time to store information in the brain. This memorization technique requires consistency and regularity.

Also, it is recommended to understand the information before you attempt to learn it. Understanding information can make the memory last longer and information recall easier.

3. Try chunking the material

Chunking is an efficient memorization technique. In this process, large amounts of information are broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Learning becomes more accessible as the cognitive load is reduced to process the data.

The chunking of information can be done by identifying similarities between bits of information. Moreover, it can also be done by creating categories. Results can be achieved by linking information with personal experiences or generating visual images in the brain.

The information chunking technique transfers information from working memory into unconscious memory. As such, recalling the details becomes easier and more convenient.

The chunking method allows one to retain information longer. It also improves an individual’s ability to identify links and correlations between information.

You can memorize a list of words by grouping them according to their meaning. You can also categorize them into groups of nouns, verbs, etc. This learning style can be your best option if you are trying to learn a new language.

This memorization technique can work best when combined with other memory techniques. These other memory techniques include repetition and association. Moreover, the simplicity of this technique makes it easy to be mastered by children.

4. Use the memory palace technique

This technique is a mnemonic device. It involves creating mental maps of known physical spaces (memory palace). Images representing specific information are placed at various spots or “loci.” This information can then be retrieved as needed.

The memory palace technique is also known as the Method of Loci. Loci is a Latin word that means a “place” or “location.” By building memory palaces based on recognizable spaces, the terms and facts associated with these spaces become easy to recall.

To build a memory palace, individuals can be encouraged to use a park, house, or city they know well. After that, it is required to mentally walk through the chosen location and create a path or pattern.

It is helpful to visualize the details of each location. Different locations’ elements and features will help memorize the associated information.

After building the memory palace and associating the information, it is essential to review the palace. Moreover, it is crucial to practice recalling the information after regular intervals. This will help to build long-lasting memory.

To make the memory palace technique more manageable for children, they can be encouraged to build a story for their memory palaces. This powerful memorization tool might sound strange, but it works wonders for adults and children.

5. Employ the 3 Rs technique – record, retain, retrieve

As the name indicates, the 3 Rs technique involves three steps; record, retain, and retrieve. Here is how each step is completed.

  • In the first step, the information that needs to be memorized is recorded. The recording can be done by taking notes or simply repeating the information aloud.
  • The second step is to retain the recorded information. This step involves engaging with the information by viewing the created notes. Or by creating associations between the new information and the information you already have.
  • The last step is to be able to retrieve the information when required.

It is vital to stick with the main ideas when recording the information. Focusing on the key points will make it easier for you to memorize things. Storing the data in symbols and abbreviations is also a great way to make the information concise.

Organizing your notes according to dates can also optimize the information recording process.

Some practical ways to retain information are spaced repetition and creating associations. These methods will help to build short-term memory as well as long-term memory.

You can use self-quizzing or try teaching someone else to retrieve the information. In both cases, the data can be recalled in an organized way.

Although the 3 Rs technique seems easy to practice, it might only work for some individuals. If you want to learn more about how you can improve your memory, check out our article on How Do You Train Your Memory Like a Memory Champion 

6. Optimize sleep for memory improvement

Sleep plays a fundamental role in consolidating memories. Getting enough sleep is vital to secure the memories formed during the day. In short, sleeping helps to transform short-term memories into long-term memories.

It has been proven that as a person dives into the deep stages of sleep, memories become strengthened and more stable. Sleeping also plays a role in linking different memories in the most unexpected ways.

Brain plasticity is also improved during sleeping, enhancing its ability to respond to new experiences. As a result, making connections and learning information becomes more manageable. 

Moreover, the stress and anxiety caused by the lack of sleep can lead to a disrupted memory.

Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule is essential. For children, a consistent sleep schedule can improve memorization ability and overall productivity.

If you want to increase your productivity, you can take up our Personal Productivity course. 

7. Use the substitution method

This is a memorization technique in which unfamiliar or challenging words are substituted or replaced. By using familiar and easy-to-remember words and phrases learning can become easier. Both adults and children can master this technique.

The substitution method is beneficial for learning vocabulary words. It is also the best way of familiarizing yourself with a new language. After identifying the words or phrases that are complicated, you are required to find a substitution.

The substitution word can be a mnemonic device or any other familiar term that is easy to remember. By creating an association between the difficult word and the substitution, you can make it easy to remember.

While using this method, it is crucial to ensure the substitution is clear-cut. It must represent the original information accurately. This can help to avoid errors and confusion.

If you want to learn more, read this article on How To Memorize New Vocabulary – Utilizing the Substitution Technique

8. Write everything down

Writing everything down is a super helpful memorization technique. It involves information recording by hand to enhance memory retention. This memorization technique helps to process the information and create a deeper understanding.

This technique is usually used in classes as students take detailed notes about the topic being taught to them. Aside from taking notes that summarize key points, writing them down is also a demonstration of this learning technique.

Writing information down is a beneficial tool for an individual’s professional life. It can help generate free space in the mind. Because of this, thinking can be improved, and organizing ideas becomes easier.

After writing the information, you must engage with that information. The best ways to engage with the information involve generating visual images or drawing diagrams. This will make the learning process quicker and more long-lasting.

Reviewing the information regularly makes it easy to remember.

Most people refrain from writing information because they overestimate their ability to remember. This can lead to disadvantages as your memory can fail when you need the information.

Writing things down is an engaging memorization technique that can benefit people of all ages.

9. Music mnemonics

Ever wonder why it’s so easy to remember songs? Music is an effective memory technique that can significantly aid the memorization process.

The music mnemonics memorization technique is one of the most prevalent mnemonic devices. Children and grownups can master it, and it involves the following stages:

  • Choose a song or a tune that you know well.
  • Create lyrics containing the information that needs to be memorized. The lyrics must be clear and easy to remember.
  • Repeatedly sing this mnemonic song to memorize the information.

This is a technique used by businesses while advertising on TV and radio. It works by aiding potential customers to remember their products while shopping.

Music mnemonics is a child-friendly technique, making learning fun and interesting. This process is also emotionally evocative. Therefore, it helps to remember the information effectively.

Music is a mnemonic device that helps to store information systemically. If you enjoy music, there is no better memorization technique than music mnemonics.

10. Create mind maps

Mind mapping is a memorization technique focusing on learning concepts, ideas, and information. Creating mind maps involves visual mapping which is used to organize complex information. This process works by utilizing visual memory.

Mind mapping involves the organization of information in the form of a hierarchical structure. This structure contains interconnected branches. The origin of these branches is the central idea, around which all the information is based.

The branches from the central idea represent a subtopic or the concepts to be memorized and learned.

Children easily adapt to the creative processes used for mind mapping. Thus, this technique is one of the best-fitted techniques for children.

The images and colors used in mind mapping can stimulate a child’s imagination and make information easier to remember.

11. Use all five senses

Using all five senses is a very effective memorization technique that works wonders for adults and kids. You can remember information easily by creating associations between knowledge and sensory memory. The five senses include:

  • Sight
  • Hearing
  • Touch
  • Smell
  • Taste

The human brain, a natural image processor, can easily create a visual memory. However, to develop effective visual memory, it is important to avoid unnecessary straining of the eyes. Only then can visual learning generate the required benefits.

The sounds we hear trigger our working memory, as a result of which, short-term memories are generated in the brain. The brain then strengthens these short-term memories and can help with complex tasks.

This is why listening to music while studying can enhance a student’s performance.

The senses of taste, touch, and smell also help to retain new information as well as recall information that has been previously stored in the brain.

12. Teach others

Teaching others is not only a very fulfilling activity but also a great memorization technique. Teaching the learned information requires a re-examination of the knowledge that you have acquired, hence aiding memorization.

When students know they must communicate the information they are learning to others, they tend to engage with the information much deeper.

Not only that, but they are also bound to improve their basic understanding of the topic and repeat what they have learned.

Teaching helps to memorize things in an organized and logical way. As a result, when it’s time to recall information, it can be retrieved and communicated systemically.

Moreover, the feedback you get while teaching can also help to retain knowledge.

This technique can be taught to children. They can be encouraged to communicate the knowledge that they have learned frequently. As children attempt to teach the knowledge that they have, their short-term memory is converted into long-term knowledge.

13. Create flashcards

A popular memorization technique is creating flashcards. They encourage active recall and repetition of information multiple times. This results in successful memorization. This technique also promotes self-testing, which supports memory retention.

The flashcards that you create must be straightforward. Complex flashcards can lead to difficulty in learning. Moreover, the flashcard technique works best when combined with other memorization techniques.

This learning technique helps you prioritize what you need to remember. The flashcards must focus on key information. The repetition of unnecessary information shall be avoided in the learning process.

If you need an “on-the-go” learning technique to memorize things, flashcards are the best solution. Their portability makes them highly convenient.

14. The link or story technique

If you have a creative mind, the link or story technique can be your best memorization technique. This memorization technique is most useful if you want to learn a long list of information. That is because it can intertwine different pieces of information together.

This technique uses context and association, making the information easy to memorize. Moreover, learning becomes enjoyable and engaging.

This technique is a creative method that is not limited to simple subjects. It can benefit complex subjects like history and foreign languages. The created story can be different for each individual according to personal preferences.

Due to this technique’s flexibility and easy adaptability, it is usually a top favorite among children. Such fun ways of learning allow quick and permanent memory generation in a child’s brain.

Takeaway – Choose the technique that works best for you!

An individual’s learning style can determine the memorization technique that can work best for them. Moreover, the type of information to be memorized and the available time can also help in picking the suitable memory technique.

The learning techniques discussed in this article are easily applicable. They can be adopted and mastered by children and adults. These tricks also generate fast and permanent results.

It is encouraged to experiment with different techniques. Because sometimes the combination of one or more memorization techniques can help to learn things.

The regular practice of memorization techniques is essential for retaining information. It can also help to keep the brain healthy and functioning. The goal is to make memorization fun and easy to promote learning.

If you want to enhance your memory and succeed in your field of education, we recommend enrolling in Iris Reading’s Maximizing Memory course.

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