Is Memory Better in the Morning or Afternoon? (Quick Facts) - Iris Reading
Is Memory Better in the Morning or Afternoon?

Is Memory Better in the Morning or Afternoon? (Quick Facts)

Is Memory Better in the Morning or Afternoon?

Some people prefer waking up bright and early and hitting the books, while others want to sleep in a bit, take their time to wake up, and then get to work. 

But did you know that the time of day you work or study makes a huge difference? 

In the morning, people tend to be better at Episodic Memory tasks, i.e., our ability to recall exact details like names, dates, locations, etc. In the afternoon, our brain is better at Semantic Memory tasks, the ability to retain new information with what we already know and make it more useful. 

Do you want to make the most of your time while working or studying? Have you ever wondered why you’re better at remembering certain things in the morning? Are you looking to improve your memory? 

Well, you’ve come to the right place. 

This article will give you quick facts about whether your memory is better in the morning or afternoon. Let’s get into it. 

Does the time of day affect memory?

The time of days affects memory, but different parts of your memory. As such, mornings are best for reviewing notes or solving important tasks, while afternoons are better for integrating new information with what we already know.

Let’s break it down.

Most people think it’s better to work or study in the morning as our brains are the sharpest after a full night’s sleep and a good breakfast. 

The sun also plays a role and keeps you fresh and alert. The sunlight entering your corneas causes your brain to produce serotonin. This hormone helps in regulating many things, including your mood, appetite, and energy. 

So, yes, mornings are great for opening a textbook to review your notes or to start your workday immediately. 

But in the afternoon, our brains better integrate new information with things we already know. At this time, people can make connections and make the information more meaningful. 

Studies have found that people recall more information in the afternoon than in the morning

When is the perfect time of day for memorization?

Our memory is most functional between 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 10 pm. 

At these times, the brain is in acquisition mode, so it will be most active in remembering things. 

On the contrary, the least adequate learning time is between 4 am and 7 am. 

So, if you consider yourself a night owl and like burning the midnight oil, maybe give mornings a try and see how it works out—it might surprise you.

Memorization is the act of adding content to memory without any effort to understand it. On the other hand, understanding is the act of comprehending the content. 

Understanding is what makes information ready for real-world application. But memorization is the formation of understanding. 

So, you can take this Maximizing Memory course to unlock your full potential. 

Here you can read more about how memorization works as an exercise to boost memory

However, regardless of the time of day you choose to memorize things, you must ensure that you are productive. 

Productivity refers to your effort and ability to perform efficiently in your work or studies. The more productive you are, the more efficient your memory acquisition will be. 

You need to work effectively to be able to have a good memory. You will need to learn how to spend less time and energy memorizing more. 

It’s very natural to struggle with productivity. Still, there are things that you can integrate into your routine to increase your productivity levels. 

Stop hitting the snooze button

The first few minutes of your day set the tone for your whole day. Resist the urge to sleep for “five more minutes” and get out of bed. Your mind and body will thank you later.  

Plan your day with deadlines 

Without deadlines, we tend to put off work as long as possible. If you set goals, you will want to achieve them before your day ends.

It puts you in a sense of urgency, which makes you more productive. 

Take regular breaks

You’re doing yourself no favors if you work with no breaks in the middle. Get into a habit of giving yourself a few minutes after you work for a while. 

The perfect work-break ratio is 52 minutes of work and 17 minutes of rest. 

Get a snack or walk around for a while during your break time. 

Set some boundaries

Your friends, family, and coworkers will be there once you finish work. 

Be open and tell them that you’re not to be disturbed while you’re working. It can be an awkward conversation, but it will benefit you long-term. 

Make a dedicated workspace

Working in a clean environment increases your productivity

It saves you time as you won’t get distracted by things that aren’t relevant to your work. Keep your space decluttered, clean, and separate from everything else. 

Reflect and reward yourself

You mustn’t get overwhelmed with work. 

Looking back on your day and treating yourself for your accomplishment will feel great after a long work day. It will associate positive feelings with productivity. 

Maintain a good work-life balance

Separate your personal life from your work

Work cannot be the only thing you do. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment that you forget to take time out for other things, but it’s of utmost importance, and it will keep you sane. 

Get good sleep

Did you know that sleep deprivation can prevent you from learning and processing information? 

You need to be well rested to do your best work, so don’t compromise on sleep. 

If you struggle with procrastination, this Personal Productivity course can teach you strategies that help boost your productivity. 

Does our memory work better in the morning or afternoon?

It depends on what you’re doing. Our short-term memory is better in the morning. We tend to better remember small things that stay in our active memory for short intervals. 

For example, you’ll be better at remembering a phone number just said in the morning than in the afternoon. 

So, if you’re preparing for an interview and need to remember a few tips and tricks quickly, go through them in the morning. 

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, you’ll be better at retaining other sorts of information. 

For example, if you’re memorizing something for an exam, get to it in the afternoon. 

Your brain is more likely to keep that information there, and you will more easily create connections with already existing knowledge to make what you’re learning more nuanced. 

Here’s an article about a few brain games you can try to improve your memory.

Wrapping up

The time of the day has a significant impact on your memory.

But now you know how you can improve your memory and how to make the most of your day with maximum productivity. 

You can try this Maximizing Memory course to make yourself unstoppable with your work or studies and get that A+ or earn that promotion. It’s a video-based training course for students and professionals. It teaches you tricks and skills that you can adopt into your life to improve your memory and retention of critical information. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get started right now.

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