What Makes a Book Hard to Read? (Quick Facts)
If you’re like most people, you probably enjoy reading. Books can be a great way to spend your time, whether it’s for pleasure or learning. However, some books are more challenging to read than others. But what makes a book hard to read?
There are several reasons why a book might be hard to read. Sometimes it’s because the language is difficult, sometimes the topic is dense or complex, and sometimes the author’s writing style is challenging.
In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the most common factors that make a book hard to read and explore why they matter. We’ll also share some quick tips on overcoming these obstacles to get the most out of your reading experience.
1. Subject matter
Suppose you’re reading a book about a topic you’re unfamiliar with. In that case, you’ll likely find it more difficult to understand than a book about a topic you’re already familiar with.
A book discussing a subject you’re unfamiliar with is more difficult to read because you’ll need to spend more time looking up terms and concepts you’re unfamiliar with, which can interrupt your reading flow.
If you’re struggling with the subject matter of a book, it might be helpful to find a book that covers the same topic in a more simplified way. You can also try reading a book about the same topic from a different perspective. For example, if you’re having trouble understanding a physics book, you might want to try reading a book about the history of physics.
2. Difficult vocabulary
A factor that can make a book hard to read is complex or technical vocabulary. This can often be the case with books about specialized topics, such as science or medicine.
If you encounter a word you don’t know, it can be difficult to continue reading without looking up the definition. This can interrupt your reading flow and make it harder to understand the text as a whole.
If you’re struggling with a book’s vocabulary, the best thing to do is to look up the definitions of the words you don’t know. You can also try using a translation tool or dictionary to help you understand the text.
3. Lack of context
Sometimes, a book can be challenging to read because it lacks context. This can happen when the book is dense or overly technical or jumps around from topic to topic without providing enough explanation.
If you’re having trouble understanding a book, reading a summary or review of the book might be helpful before you start. This can help to provide some context and background information that might make the book easier to understand.
4. Convoluted plot
A convoluted plot is one that is overly complicated or difficult to follow. This can often be the case with books that have a lot of characters or are set in complex worlds.
If you’re having trouble keeping track of what’s going on in a book, it might help to take some notes as you read. This can help you to keep track of the different plot threads and characters, and it can also make it easier to go back and review parts of the book that you found difficult to follow.
5. Complex tone
The tone of a book is the overall feeling or atmosphere it conveys. Some books have a complex tone that is difficult to understand, making them hard to read. A complex tone can often result from a convoluted plot or dense subject matter.
If you’re having trouble understanding the tone of a book, you might want to try re-reading it. This time, pay close attention to how the author uses language and the overall atmosphere of the book.
You can also try asking someone else to read the book and see if they can help you understand the tone.
6. Complex syntax
A book’s syntax is how the words are put together to form sentences. Some books have a complex syntax that can make them difficult to read. This is often the case with books written in a foreign language or that use many technical terms.
You can often improve your understanding of a book’s syntax by reading it aloud. This can help you hear how the sentences are put together and understand the meaning of the text.
You can also try looking up the definitions of the words you don’t know and reading a book about the same topic from a different perspective.
7. Regional variations
Regional variations can also make a book hard to read because they can change how words are pronounced and spelled. This can often be the case with books set in different parts of the world or that use different dialects of the same language.
If you’re having trouble understanding a book because of regional variations, you might want to try looking up the definitions of the words that you don’t know. You can also try reading a book about the same topic from a different perspective.
8. Length of the book
The book’s length causes some readers to shy away from longer books. If a book is too long, it can be challenging to find the time to read it all the way through. It can also be difficult to keep track of the plot and the characters.
You can try breaking the book into manageable chunks by reading a certain number of pages daily. This can help you keep track of the book and ensure you don’t get overwhelmed by its length.
You can also try listening to the book on audio if it’s challenging for you to find the time to sit down and read. Additionally, you can take on Speed Reading Foundation and Mastery courses to transform you into an excellent reader.
9. Density of the prose
Prose refers to how the words are put together to form sentences. Some books have dense prose, which can make them difficult to read. Dense prose is often the result of a complex plot or challenging subject matter.
The best way to deal with dense prose is to take your time while reading. Try to break the book into small sections, and don’t be afraid to put it down if you find it too difficult to understand.
You can also try looking up the definitions of the words you don’t know and reading a book about the same topic from a different perspective.
10. Lack of illustrations
Books that lack illustrations can be difficult to follow, especially if they contain a lot of dense prose. If you’re having trouble understanding a book, you might want to try finding a version that has illustrations.
Illustrations make it easier to understand the text by providing a visual representation of the ideas. They can also help to break up the dense prose and make the book more visually appealing and easy for your memory to grasp.
When looking for a book with illustrations, you can try searching for children’s books or graphic novels. These types of books often have more illustrations than others.
Some books are hard to read because of how they’re written. Others are hard to read because of the book’s length or subject matter.
If you’re having trouble understanding a book, you can try breaking it into manageable chunks, looking up the definitions of words you don’t know, or taking on speed reading classes to help you improve your overall skills.
If you want to learn more about how to improve your reading comprehension, you can check out our Maximizing Memory course. This course will teach you how to improve your reading comprehension and make it easier to understand a difficult text.