How Can I Remember Everything I Study? - Iris Reading
How Can I Remember Everything I Study?

How Can I Remember Everything I Study?

How Can I Remember Everything I Study?

According to competitive memorizers, visualization approaches and memory strategies help them retain vast information. Learners who employ memory techniques such as active recall or taking on a memory improvement course outperform those who do not.

To retain ideas, concepts, and content for exam day, learners must employ memory when studying. While you shouldn’t cram for a test the night before, you can use memory-improvement tactics to get the most out of your study sessions.

Memory tricks and strategies assist you in accessing long-term memory and increasing your working memory. These approaches can also help you remember some topics for months, years, or even your entire life.

This article looks at the strategies to help you remember what you study and how you should use them.

1. Active recall

Active recall is a study technique that entails retrieving knowledge and testing multiple times to:

  • Increase retention
  • Memorization
  • Comprehension

It’s frequently utilized self-directed, such as with flashcards or self-created questions. 

Active recalling is sometimes known as “practice testing” or “retrieval practice” in scientific literature.

College students are the most likely to adopt this strategy to study for examinations. It does, however, have a wide range of uses in other industries. Active recalling is becoming more popular, and most people can benefit from better memorization abilities.

Consider incorporating some of the following tactics into your learning process if you wish to include the active recall approach in your learning process.

They’re all designed for self-directed learning and perform best when you’re studying alone in a relaxing environment.

Practice testing

Practice testing is, without a doubt, the most effective active recall tool available. You need to obtain previous exam papers or practice with internet question banks or books.


While developing flashcards can be time-consuming, the benefits are enormous. Flashcards allow you to completely participate with the active recall method, improving your brain’s capacity to remember, interpret, and apply material from books to tests.

Self-generated questions

It is one of the most effective methods for learning a new subject. After reviewing the content (passively reading or listening), write down any questions about the topic on a new page.

After you’ve got roughly 10-20 questions, answer them without consulting your notes. If you have to guess, do so, but try not to glance at your notes until the conclusion.

2. Take on a memory improvement course

A memory development course examines the psychological components of memories and how they influence a person’s personality. To start improving your memory, you must first comprehend memory.

You’ll learn how memories form, what variables influence their formation, and what sorts of memories there are and how they differ.

The Iris Reading memory development course examines how your brain can pollute a memory and create false recollections due to various situations. You’ll also discover which portion of your brain is in charge of managerial tasks that help you make reasonable judgments.

The memory improvement course teaches you several memory principles and how they aid your ability to recall and recollect information.

The course will also discuss memory principles such as repetition, exaggeration, and chunking and aspects such as association, imagination, and location.

3. Get adequate sleep

One of the most common mistakes people make is studying for extended periods by skipping sleep. They overlook the fact that sleep deprivation impacts a variety of cognitive capacities, including memory.

This should come as no surprise. 

In addition to impacting the intellect, lack of sleep is linked to heart disease, cancer, weakened immunity, obesity, and various other health problems.

Sleep has been shown in numerous studies to aid in the second stage of memory — consolidation.

And there’s no denying it:

Sleep aids in recalling information and the construction of procedural memory. Procedural memory is the element of memory involved in the faster acquisition of new abilities.

Sleep also aids memory reorganization by strengthening connections between distinct memories. It helps the brain connect freshly learned knowledge with previously acquired information, promoting creativity.

If you go over the content you want to remember daily for several days; you’ll be more likely to recall the knowledge for the exam or the documents for the meeting. You should then ensure you get a refreshing seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

4. Eat healthy foods for your memory

What you eat has an impact on memory enhancement. Walnuts, green tea, blueberries, salmon, healthy grains, olive oil, and other good foods for memory are common in the Mediterranean diet.

Green tea consumption increases activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This enhancement leads to improved memory and overall cognition.

Fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and oysters are all high in Omega-3s, reducing the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Mediterranean diet is also suggested to prevent cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases. As a result, there are numerous reasons to include these foods in your diet in addition to memory development!

You should avoid red meat, butter, and other foods high in saturated and trans fats. Foods that raise cholesterol levels, leading to a heart attack or stroke, can impair memory.

5. Pay more attention

When your mind is focused on the task at hand, the neuronal circuit in the human brain aids in the formation of long-term memories. In essence, stronger concentration leads to improved brain absorption and aids in converting short-term memories to long-term memories.

Unfortunately, most people are overwhelmed with limitless distractions from many digital devices in today’s society, and multitasking is the norm. Concentration is becoming an increasingly rare attribute. However, there are two easy measures you can do to increase your engagement and, as a result, your memory.

Firstly, progressively minimizing your use of digital gadgets will help you enhance your attention span and overcome Digital Amnesia. Next, try to focus on one task at a time, rather than jumping between them every few minutes.

Simply developing these two habits can assist you in remembering stuff more quickly.

6. Meditate

Meditation is the most effective approach to improve your mind’s ability to pay attention to tasks. It is critical for boosting retention and converting short-term memories to long-term memories.

Meditation boosts your ability to focus on finer details. Mindfulness meditation is even a better memory-improving method than yoga.

Mindfulness meditation has been increasingly popular in recent years. Its main goal is to reduce tension and increase relaxation and tranquility. The practitioner of this style of meditation concentrates on the current moment without making any judgments.

Contrary to popular belief, meditation does not teach you to empty your mind. Instead, it teaches you to focus on physical sensations, thoughts, and feelings to see them more clearly.

What if the prospect of sitting motionless for even a few minutes is excruciating? 

Try meditating while walking. 

Many individuals find this method far more convenient than traditional sitting meditation, yet it is just as effective at soothing the mind.

7. Using mnemonics

A mnemonic is a device that helps us recall information more easily. It could be a phrase, a short song, or something easily remembered. As is frequently the case, we use mnemonics to remember things that would otherwise be difficult to remember.

For example, to remember a succession of numbers, such as the mathematical Pi sequence (3.1415926, etc.), we might use a phrase like May (3 letters) I (1 letter) have (4) a (1) large (5)container (9) of (2) coffee (6). 

Mnemonics are a type of memory aid that works by linking easy-to-remember items with data.

Let us look at the most common types of mnemonic devices used today.


Acronyms are abbreviations made up of the first letters of each word in a phrase or series of phrases. ATM, for example, is an acronym for automated teller machine.


When you make an acrostic, you transform an acronym into a sentence to make it easier to remember.

“My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas” is a fantastic approach to remembering the order of our solar system’s planets. The more ridiculous mnemonics are, the easier they are to recall!

You can also use this method to create secure passwords. For example, you can pick a line from a movie such as “I am The One who Knocks” from breaking bad. Your password will then be IaTOwK which is strong and hard for any hacker to guess.

8. Spaced repetition

It’s simpler to recall something you read the day before than a paragraph you read a year ago. It becomes easier to retain information from the long-term storage parts of your brain if you reinforce what you learn at regular intervals.

It’s all about practicing remembering with the spaced repetition method at the proper time. You achieve this by reinforcing a piece of knowledge just as you’re about to forget it in your thoughts.

Hermann Ebbinghaus coined the forgetting curve. According to his studies into memory psychology, we forget most freshly acquired information within a few hours or, at best, a couple of days.

Using flashcards is a simple method to implement spaced repetition technique. Depending on how easy it is to recall, you can divide your flashcards into three groups.

If you recall something, test yourself within ten minutes with the same flashcard, but if you don’t, try yourself at a longer interval.

Several products on the market purport to be spaced repetition software but aren’t. Making your own flashcards is the best way to experiment with spaced repetition.

9. Chunking

Chunking is the process of arranging discrete pieces of data into larger groups. You can increase the quantity of information you recall by grouping each data point into a broader whole. For example, a phone number sequence of 974583 can be chunked to 974-583.

Information is easier to remember and recall when various pieces are separated into larger blocks. This is because our short-term memory is only good for 30 seconds. This can be increased, though, by using repeated vocal repetition.

How to chunk

Here are some guidelines to help you apply the content chunking strategy when studying.

Prioritize and rank the information

Determine the value of the information and the links between it.

Begin with the most critical task

Before moving on to other sections, you should include certain crucial content at the start.

Chunks to modules to lessons

Begin with your chunks (a few months), then break them down into modules (a few weeks), and last into lesson groups (a couple of days).

Plan it out

Plan out and storyboard your content to make it easier to ingest. Focusing on chunking content down to one screen (computer screen or slide) of information at a time is an easy way to think about it.

Create with your working memory in mind

Focus on what you need to know rather than what you want to know. If you concentrate on too many things, you will eventually understand nothing.

Visualize it

People frequently skim text rather than reading every word. You can reduce working memory demands by using visuals. Use bullets and numbered lists to communicate information clearly and concisely.

Check your memory

Finish the process by considering the learner’s paths through the content. Organize and prepare it to consume and internalize information more easily.

10. Regular exercise

Another fantastic approach to strengthen your memory is to exercise. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, offering various cognitive benefits such as alertness, improved focus, and a more pleasant mood.

Exercising boosts memory by releasing the enzyme cathepsin B. It’s a protein that causes neurons to grow and make new connections in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that’s important for memory.

You should establish exercise as a habit, similar to taking prescription medication. It takes approximately six months for you to start reaping the cognitive benefits of frequent exercise. Start small, for example, by walking 150 steps per week and then maintaining the habit for life.


Some of these strategies may appear unusual initially or may take some time to master. But the more you practice, the easier and more natural they become, and the more information you will remember.

One of the most effective strategies is taking on a memory improvement course. You will learn to use some of the other strategies in this list with our memory improvement course at Iris Reading.

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